View Full Version : back again

02-27-2013, 04:27 PM
Hello guys. Been a while since I've been here, because thankfully I haven't had the old anxiety in a while. But unfortunately, recent events at home have brought it out again, at least a little. I'm starting to think about all my inadequacies again, how I was never able to do really easy things because of stupid fear throughout my life. I feel like I've always been pathetic and unworthy. I feel like I've done a lot of bad things, and things that are very embarrassing. I can't seem to shake a somewhat depressed feeling due to recent events. Sure, during the day when I'm at college, with friends, I get distracted, but at night I'm on my own and am feeling kinda low. I don't really want to go into detail about what's happened, but I'll say it's given me a new perspective, and I think I can appreciate things more knowing that what is important to you can be messed up really quickly, and I think I'll appreciate my family more from now on. Thankfully I've got my dad there to phone up and talk to, but still, I just feel low at the moment. It sucks that I'm thinking about these things again, and it sucks far more that recent events ever took place. I'd just like to get back to normal, and hopefully that will be the case in the not too distant future. I'm tired of thinking about these things, I just want to forget them really, leave them in the past, where they belong.

02-27-2013, 08:33 PM
You've worked through it before, you can do it again! Get back on the healthy track and let's get on the other side of anxiety just as you did before.
