View Full Version : Fighting

02-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Fighting with my husband makes my anxiety so much worse. Sometimes I think I'm ready for a divorce. I need to vent.

02-27-2013, 04:52 PM
Same here...usually pushes me to panic attack. Try not to stress too much, the silent treatment does wonders in my case and my stress level. When the hubby makes me angry, I hit the ignore button and make myself very busy. He usually comes around within an hour or two.

02-27-2013, 08:31 PM
Very normal. When I was struggling with anxiety, a fight with anyone increased many physical sensations, elevated pulse, blood pressure, adrenaline, etc.. So, it shouldn't be a surprise for you. Accept the sensations and you'll be on the road to recovery. PM with questions...I have 4,000hrs of marriage counseling under my belt.


02-27-2013, 08:32 PM
Very normal. When I was struggling with anxiety, a fight with anyone increased many physical sensations, elevated pulse, blood pressure, adrenaline, etc.. So, it shouldn't be a surprise for you. Accept the sensations and you'll be on the road to recovery. PM with questions...I have 4,000hrs of marriage counseling under my belt.


Haha I think we need it... :(

02-27-2013, 09:42 PM
Haha I think we need it... :(

When the home is not a tranquil place but more of a combat zone then peace of mind is unlikely to be found. I have been married 29 years but my wife drinks and is a mean drunk. I love her. She has stood by me as I have stood by her through more than most - she has had 2 bouts of cancer, etc. But just recently I am starting to think I will never be free to fully heal here. I was in my therapy session today and this was a topic. Painful. Scary. I will post and look for advise when I feel up to it.