View Full Version : Can anyone share their experiences with magnesium?

02-27-2013, 02:02 PM
I'm becoming more and more convinced that my anxiety and panic is the result of some underlying chemical issue. Just what, I don't know, which is why I'm doing intense research every day. It's still gonna be a while before I can be seen by a psychiatrist. I hear that magnesium has helped a lot of people get their anxiety in check, but at the same time I wonder if these claims are just advertising ploys.

Can anyone here vouch for this claim? Has anyone here taken magnesium and noticed a significant improvement? Also, I have a mild form of bradycardia, my pulse is in the 50's, so does that mean I can't take it?

Thanks! =)

02-27-2013, 02:38 PM
Magnesium is just a Vitamin, it's not that likely that you'll see a sales ploy with something as old as Magnesium, there is no patent on it, nor does anybody own any of the rights to ingredients or the mixing of it.

I took magnesium for a while, found it very relaxing. Like taking a sedative pill, but without the outer tiredness. I've also seen other reputable forum members have success with it.

It's always best to check with your doctor regarding the bradycardia, if you're given the all clear, my opinion...

Recommended! :)

02-27-2013, 02:58 PM
FTW, there are some packaged supplements available on line and in health food stores that are out claiming benefits for Anxiety. One that I have tried but did not have noticable improvement was Seredyn. It contains 200mg of Niacinamide and 14mg of Magnenesium. Also Valerian Root, Passion flower and traces of other things. I am still hoping it has an effect. I read a Mayo Clinic report where they did studies on this packaged Supplement specifically and could not find any notable difference between it and a placebo. The company has many testimonials on its website from those touting its miracle effect. I will let you know if it starts to work on me. Amino Acids are not in it and I have not tried those yet.

02-27-2013, 03:28 PM
Magnesium has helped me for sure. Just make sure to get a good type such as citrate, glycinate, taurate, or malate. Regular old magnesium oxide does not absorb well. My personal suggestion would be a product called Natural Calm Magnesium. It is a powder that you mix with warm water for a nice calming drink. Goto Amazon.com and read the hundreds of positive reviews on the product. Magnesium isn't just important for anxiety but over 300 other processes in the body. It helps to relax muscles and promotes good sleep among many other things. I'd say give it a shot!