View Full Version : FAO Health anxiety sufferers

02-27-2013, 10:26 AM
Guys, I would like to ask a few Qs from someone who is new to this, if that's ok

I currently get neck pain and muscle pain, is this common? Aswell as what feels like a tight throat

I also had a urinating problem early on in this, are these early signs?

If you've read my other post "my story" you can see what I'm suffering with health wise

I don't know where else to turn

I need constant re assurance & frequently check everywhere like I'm looking for something

I don't sleep well, usually tired of night, but awake very early and can't get back to sleep

Why on earth can't I believe the medics when I get all clears?

I don't understand it

Good days come, and it's great, but then I get the bad days, which are very difficult

Anyone who can help me i would appreciate so massively


02-27-2013, 03:22 PM
Ello mate neck pain yeah muscle pain most defiantly sleeping habits changed tick constant reassurance from doctors or any medical practitioner check mate everything you've got I've got I've had it awhile and I tll you know act on it or it will get worse trust me mine started off like yours now I have sleeping problems bowel change problems chronic fatigue chronic tiredness prolly from the sleep changes loss off appetite leading to weight loss witch I then think is due to a illness trust me and trust in your doctors you in the uk ? I'm in the souht east and we have a program called the Norfolk and Waveney here's a link to all the self help sections of anxiety have a browse and see how many you can reffer yourself two get more thn five and its defiantly anxiety ; ) https://www.readytochange.org.uk/Norfolk/selfhelp/Pages/default.aspx

02-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Thanks for that mate

I'm in london

Yeah looking at that, it seems like I have alot of those symptoms on the health anxiety section

I'm going to take the right steps in putting this all behind me

Been an absolute nightmare

02-28-2013, 12:00 AM
No problem chap it might appear you have a few other from diffrent sections aswell it does me but if you feel down pop back on that site take a quick glance saying yo yourself yep this is me yep i do that just abit of self reasurance might help : )

02-28-2013, 02:31 AM
You got an email I can contact you on mate?

02-28-2013, 02:59 AM
[email protected]