View Full Version : Pins and needles in groins and below testicles

02-27-2013, 05:54 AM
I have semi-inguinal hernia diagnosed last year (no surgery necessary). This year I got diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder. I feel as if pins and needles are stubbing me in my groinal area (groin, below testicles), and sometimes a warm sensation in the same area. Went to the neurologist - he said everything is from stress (found no pathological reason for the anxiety), went to the Urologist - did an Ultrasound - found NOTHING also. Sometimes the pins and needles pain is very sharp, luckily it's short (few seconds). Can this be caused by Anxiety? Taking no medications.

Also feeling some sort of dispersonalization - as if I am high on weed. This keeps me for the past week..

Thanks all!