View Full Version : Anxiety and vision

06-24-2007, 06:00 AM
Does anyone experience the following symptom and if so can you explain how it occurs. I suffer from a chronic health anxiety but had been better over the last few months as I had accepted all symptoms as anxiety and was able to not give them meaning.Then the nightmare began again with this new symptom.
I have started to get a flashing or a flickering in my peripheral vision over the last two weeks.It occurs when the light changes,i.e going from a dark room to light room or visa versa. It also occurs when there is a light source to the side like a lamp or a window.It happens mostly in the evening and the flashing can last for a few secs or a minute mainly in my left eye.
I have had the occasional opthalmic migraine over the last 20 years and this is like the end of one.I do not get a headache. I have had my eyes checked by the doctor who said it was noy serious and migraine related.


06-24-2007, 12:26 PM
Hi amm1066,

I'm usually not one to write replies very often, but I wanted to let you know that I can relate to your vision problem. I've been through a whole slew of symptoms with anxiety and I recieved the vision fun for the first time back April. It took me a long time to describe the phenomenon to others around me and the word I could best come up with was flashing in my peripheral vision. It lasted for about two weeks. I was convinced I was going to go blind and I found every site I could about vision problems and further exagerated my anxiety over the situation.

I did come to the point were I had to try and ignore it, and though it was hard it eventually did pass. I'm not sure what started it, or stopped it, but it did go away. I still notice it every now and then and remind myself it will go away, and try not to focus on it.

Hmm, I guess that's all I have to say about that. Oh, the only difference in our situations is that I noticed it in both eyes. I can't say it was ever exclusive to one or the other. I hope that comforts you in some way. We worryers need to give each other hope and speak some truth over our fears. Anyways, God bless and you wait that thing out.

06-24-2007, 01:13 PM
Hiya gettingbetter,
Thank you very much for your reply it was a big help. Im glad you are getting better, Ill try to again.