View Full Version : My story

02-26-2013, 02:59 PM
In December I had sex with someone else who wasn't my girlfriend

A few weeks later I started developing a pain in my testicles, I was convinced I had caught an STI, I thought I had chlamydia or gonnorhea

After weeks of convincing myself I had it, I was eventually cleared of both
This prompted me to google my symptoms , and since then I have convinced myself I had Hepatits to HIV to more recently Syphilis

I've been cleared of all 3, and assured by nurse at GUM clinic that I don't have anything

Because I know I am still within the 3 month window of Syphillis, and googling symptoms , I am currently convinced I have this, even though the nurse has told me this is very unlikely

Do you guys notice symptoms that more than likely aren't there? But convince yourself they are?

Having anxiety is new to me, but have been finding it extremely difficult to not let it take my life over, the last two months, I have & this has affected my social life, work life, relationship, everything

I used to be a happy go lucky guy before this, I've been a wreck, all because of one stupid mistake, it's ruined my life

I think a chunk is due to guilt, and I'm punishing myself for it time & time again

I just want things back to the way they were, I didn't know how lucky I was

02-26-2013, 03:51 PM
This is quite normal...time will work this one out for you my friend. Hang in there,


02-26-2013, 04:03 PM
Even the most perfect of people make mistakes. But it is only a mistake if you don't learn from it. Unfortunately I have been in your shoes a few two many times. My old self had a weakness for the ladies and it got me in trouble more than a few times that I would like to admit. I was extremely worried and anxious about possibly having an STD but was tested every time and came up in the clear. If you have been cleared by a doctor you need to let it go and forgive yourself. Anxiety can be a confusing thing on its own but you don't need to fuel it by this guilt for something that happened in the past. Your a guy and guys are horny. Sometimes this gets us into trouble and we do things we regret. I am sure plenty of other guys can attest to this. The thing is you just have to see the situation as a lesson. Figure out how you got in that situation, what you did wrong, and how to avoid it happening again in the future. Oh and don't goole symptoms you will end up convincing yourself you have 18 deadly diseases. You would be AMAZED at the strange symptoms that just stress and worry can cause.

02-27-2013, 10:19 AM
I hope time will heal this wound

The problem is, I constantly feel things that seem like symptons, all the time
When I think I'm finally getting over it, I feel something again

Is this normal in anxiety?

I constantly feel like I need re-assurance aswell, is this common?

I'm so new to this I duno what's going on

Thanks for your help guys