View Full Version : Hi - New here & a little about my story (takes a lot of courage to speak about it)

02-26-2013, 09:15 AM
Sorry... delete please, thanks

02-26-2013, 09:37 AM
You know, I tried to keep my anxiety issue hidden for so long from my family and friends, fearing how they might view me, or they might think I was crazy, etc. As I have slowly let a few people in, it has been so amazing to me how many people have or are struggling with the same issues of anxiety, and I've made some pretty good friends and/or had some really great conversations about what works, what doesn't, and honestly it had been very therapeutic. I'm not saying to announce it to the world, and scream it from the rooftops, but be honest and show people who you are....you are allowed to have a weakness!!! I do take a small amt of meds, but have cut back quite a bit after changing my eating habits, exercising more and adding Tai chi and meditation.
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you when you were younger, reading about that incident you experienced as a child really broke my heart. I think you sound like an amazing mom, who had taken the steps to ensure that your own children never have to experience anything like your experience. You sound like you are a strong source of support for your family.
Don't forget you need support too though sometimes!!!!!