View Full Version : Does anyone here have a HARD time just staying home?

06-24-2007, 01:15 AM
It seems like there is alot of talk here about agoraphobia and wanting to stay within your 'safe' zone. But my experience with anxiety has been precisely the opposite: I find it most uncomfortable to just stay home. I find myself constantly wanting to get out and do things. Going to the mountains (something I have always liked) seems to be something I particularly like doing now. But even just hanging out with friends is good. Doin this sort of stuff seems to help me forget about my problem. However, if I say at home, I just focus WAYY too much on my anxiety and often find myself getting in the car and driving away because I start to feel bad. It also seems like 'free-floating' anxiety is MUCH more likely to hit me at home. Anyone else feel this way? It' not that I have a problem with doing things. It's just that I can't ALWAYS be going out or going to the mountains.

06-24-2007, 06:22 AM
Its good that you are wanting to get out n do the things u enjoy .

I hate sitting in the house sometimes it makes me feel alot worse

and when i do go out . i wish i was home again most off the time lmao

i only like going places i feel safe like my boyfreinds .

06-24-2007, 06:57 AM
and when i do go out . i wish i was home again most off the time lmao

But part of my problem is that I actually sometimes DREAD having to come back home, since I will be once again living in my own little world (which is not such a nice place right now). I sometimes feel like I NEED to get out in order to 'run away' from my problem. And I'm not sure whether going out is a good thing or not (although I DO feel MUCH better when I get out).

Hey Guys
06-24-2007, 12:24 PM
It seems like there is alot of talk here about agoraphobia and wanting to stay within your 'safe' zone. But my experience with anxiety has been precisely the opposite: I find it most uncomfortable to just stay home. I find myself constantly wanting to get out and do things. Going to the mountains (something I have always liked) seems to be something I particularly like doing now. But even just hanging out with friends is good. Doin this sort of stuff seems to help me forget about my problem. However, if I say at home, I just focus WAYY too much on my anxiety and often find myself getting in the car and driving away because I start to feel bad. It also seems like 'free-floating' anxiety is MUCH more likely to hit me at home. Anyone else feel this way? It' not that I have a problem with doing things. It's just that I can't ALWAYS be going out or going to the mountains.
I'm the same exact way.

When I sit at home, I dwell on my worries/fears/concerns. I find that only when I'm out doing things I enjoy (skateboarding, being with my girlfriend, etc.) do I feel much better. Sitting around all day alone is just going to perpetuate any worries and concerns since you have all the time in the world to think about them. Distraction has proven to be very effective for me.

06-24-2007, 06:41 PM
But part of my problem is that I actually sometimes DREAD having to come back home, since I will be once again living in my own little world (which is not such a nice place right now). I sometimes feel like I NEED to get out in order to 'run away' from my problem. And I'm not sure whether going out is a good thing or not (although I DO feel MUCH better when I get out).

OH god yes I know exactly how you feel. It's been the hardest thing for me to address. Seeing as I WORK from home, it's even trickier as I'm trying to do everything I can to avoid the place I need to be.

Simple solution I found was to completely change the house. I did a spring clean (you can avoid that part if you like :) ) I rearranged my bedroom, I moved the spare room into the office (and vice verse) and I changed the lounge room around (my poor flatmate didn't know what had hit her!). The upshot was that everything looked different and that was enough to distract me when I was just cruising about the place i.e. rather than concentrating on my anxiety I was thinking about how things had changed. It might be worth a shot?

06-25-2007, 06:35 PM
I have a lot harder time staying at home. I find that if I'm busy my symptoms aren't as bad but when I am home (I am a stay at home mom) it can get pretty bad. For instance, we just got back from vacation. Prior to I was feeling really shaky (inside and out). On vacation I was pretty much fine but on the last day it started to come back. I dreaded coming back because I knew that I would be alone much of the time and therefore consumed with my thoughts. I can totally relate.