View Full Version : Fed up beyond measure

02-25-2013, 05:59 PM
Ok I'll try to be brief.... This all started 2 years ago... I was on a med for hormonal acne for 3 or so days which also happened to be a med used for high blood pressure which I have NEVER had hbp issues. I was at work then all the sudden this wave of unimaginable fear came over me I became really hot, pounded crushing chest, real dizzy and lightheaded. Tried to shake it but felt like I was going to dye. I had my co worker call ambulance who took me to dr. My bp and heart rate were sky high. Ran several tests determined not heart related. They said my heart did it because I was on a diet pill also which is a load of crap I took it off and on over 10 years and never a minutes trouble. Basically I have been to cardiologist , therapists, family docs who have put me on bp meds, anxiety meds, depressions meds, nexium because of side effects I have gained over 50 pounds. The panic attacks have eased up but I am going nuts. I have this fear of something is always wrong with me now. One thought leads to another which leads to panic and doom. Extreme fear of death or something happening to my loved ones. Please any advice on how to stop the madness would be great. Putting a real stressful strain on my family and marriage.

02-27-2013, 04:18 PM
Would like to hear some thoughts on how to overcome this way of thinking, worrying, despair, doom. I don't feel depressed it's more like trapped in a vicious cycle of constant what If worrying. Please let me know your thoughts.

02-27-2013, 08:37 PM
I've been there and have gotten through to the other side. Hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I found the Linden method to be very helpful to me. But, CBT, meditation and deep breathing saved me from the madness!

I learned to accept the fear not react to it.


02-27-2013, 09:23 PM
I would like to know more about the Linden Method. I am skeptical by nature but have been lured in on more than one occasion to something like that only to find it lacking.

02-28-2013, 10:59 AM
He has some youtube videos on the Linden Method you can watch. His materials were invaluable to me. A friend of mine loaned me his CDs and I started on my road to recovery. He simply helps you change the way you think about anxiety. Its CBT simplified.
