View Full Version : hope this is anxiety

06-23-2007, 09:21 PM
Can I just say that I really needed this site when I found it?

Recently I have had major shaking (tremors) in my hands. Of course I was really upset about it because every internet search turned up Parkinson's. But when you consider two years ago it was numbness in my hands (which I thought was MS) and last year it was chest tightness (which I thought was heart issues) I really hope this is anxiety. For all these things I went to my GP and had every test imaginable (MRI's, nerve tests, CBC, etc).

It is hard for me to accept that this is anxiety because the symptoms are so pronounced. I really felt numb, chest tightness, shakiness, etc. Like today I could physically see my hands shake (and I didn't really feel upset). I would love to go to the doctor but I feel like he is just going to say "you're fine" and send me home (like every other time). Does any one have advice for seeking treatment? Sometimes I feel so good (symptom free) and other days all it takes is one trigger and I'm studying my hands for every little tremor or twitch.

By the way, the more exercise I seem to do the worse it seems to get. Thanks for listening. I know my friends (and especially family) are sick of listening to all my garbage. I just wish I could feel normal.

06-24-2007, 01:31 AM
It sounds like anxiety to me. First of all, you have had numerous tests done which came out negative. And secondly, problems such as Parkinson's and MS tend to be a little more full-time than what you are experiencing. If you want, you can get a second opinion from another doctor. But it REALLY sounds like anxiety. Keep in mind that anxiety symptoms can be REALLY distressing and uncomfortable. It is VERY normal for anxiety sufferers to feel like their problem MUST be something MUCH more than simply anxiety. The sooner you are able to let these problems pass when they happen rather than getting scared and checking, the better off you will be.

06-24-2007, 10:42 AM
Thank you for your help. Sometimes it is just nice to be heard. I feel like everyone expects me to just snap out of this (and I usually can after a while) but it is hard. I appreciate the support. :)

06-25-2007, 11:04 PM
I feel like everyone expects me to just snap out of this (and I usually can after a while) but it is hard. I appreciate the support. :)

An important thing to remember here is that you CAN'T just snap out of it. Recovery takes time. The problem here is that anxiety alters brain chemistry, which creates and sustains the anxiety state. Only by not constantly 'pushing the panic button" by becoming scared when you feel strange and/or uncomfortable bodily sensations or emotions can your brain chemistry return to normal (despite the chemical imbalance, medication is likely neither required nor desirable for you to heal). And this will take time (likely a few months to a couple of years). It is important to remember that it will take time, because expecting anxiety to go away quickly leads to just more feelings of despair, defeat, and anxiety.

06-30-2007, 03:36 PM
I am not a doctor. Just sharing stuff that happened to me. Please talk to your doctor before taking any advise I give you.

Um just wondering?? Do you work on your computer a lot? This can also be from computers. Keyboards can cause numbness in hands. Then after a while it turns in to a strong vibrating feeling like a plug in vibrator is on your hands which can go up to your shoulders. And believe it or not this can also cause chest tightness because if you sit in a position every day for so many hours it can do this too.

I had it in a very bad way. Told my boss I was quitting my job because of numbness in my hands from typing. My boss went right out and bought me a $300 keyboard that stands upright. Fixed my porblem. The numbness and vibration took months to go away. This sounds far too common. I work with computers and see so many people dealing with this.

Good news if it is this. Limit your use on the computer. Sit at different heights when you type. Don't keep your hands on the keyboard if you are not typing. And try to not use the computer unless you have to. It might just go away after a few weeks. I'd also see a doctor about it, they can help treat computer related stress on the hands and wrists.

It might be something simple to correct and not be anxiety at all. Never stand up and type bending over. That is a sure way to get numbness in your hands.

This is just another possibility to explain what might be happening to you.