View Full Version : Why am i still googling???

02-25-2013, 01:03 PM
I hate that I can't stop myself... It's like an addiction!! I've had a tummy ache for like 3 days that has been getting better...it's prob from eating something bad (I am on vacation) :) but i can't seem to fight the urge of google!! :(

02-25-2013, 01:32 PM
I know how u feel

02-25-2013, 03:06 PM
Jesse, on this forum put it best.

Google is crack cocaine, mixed with heroine, mixed with Belgian chocolate for the anxiety sufferer's brain. It just cannot get enough, and it will make it hyperactive. A drug addict usually makes up all sorts of crazy excuses to get their fix. Our anxiety brain does the same.



02-25-2013, 03:22 PM
Veryyyy true:)) thanks!! Lol

02-25-2013, 03:47 PM
It's an addiction.

It stems from the fact that we all want to be ok. Knowing what's wrong with you (or what isn't) is half that battle.

I can't tell you how many times I've typed "CBT anxiety" today.

02-25-2013, 04:04 PM
Like trying not to scratch an itch!

02-25-2013, 04:29 PM
Exactly, but we all know that sometimes scratching an itch exacerbates the problem.

03-01-2013, 04:57 PM
Googling sends my mind into manic overdrive with an insane hypochondriac at the wheel......Me! Everything simple leads to tumors, cancer , or some type of incurable plague. But how do u stop when u r begging for answers ?

03-01-2013, 08:05 PM

take the challenge my friend

03-01-2013, 08:36 PM
I will age myself here...but when I had Heath anxiety there was no Google. I went to the bookstore and library. Doctors had been invented so I saw them too. Lol. I broke those chains mainly in group therapy.

03-01-2013, 08:41 PM
good stuff bajablue. Iv kicked the addiction for 4 days and feel pretty good so far. Hope I dont relapse! lol

03-02-2013, 07:25 AM
I will age myself here...but when I had Heath anxiety there was no Google. I went to the bookstore and library. Doctors had been invented so I saw them too. Lol. I broke those chains mainly in group therapy.

LOL! Yeah, well when I was young I had to consult cave paintings to learn about my anxiety. ......So long ago that the Dead Sea was just getting sick.

Sorry, had to throw a little humor in there.

03-02-2013, 01:31 PM
LOL! Yeah, well when I was young I had to consult cave paintings to learn about my anxiety. ......So long ago that the Dead Sea was just getting sick.

Sorry, had to throw a little humor in there.

You guys are funny!!
I am glad though, we have so many options for information and assistance now.

03-02-2013, 02:17 PM
I haven't but all the info in my head is stuck :( like a whirlwind

03-03-2013, 02:25 PM
Hi, I have a Google addiction and I have a health anxiety problem. I attend a therapy clinic and my task for this week was to not google any of my symptoms. Well I didn't last very long by time I got home from the clinic I was worrying about some pain I had so I had to have a look. With me its more like I need reassurance, or I would be worrying myself to death. However I sometimes check and I then worry myself to death anyway. My partner always reminds me that you only find bad information or bad stories. If I had a doctor that I could just ring up or ask I know I wouldn't need to Google every time.

My health problems are real and they started after I lost my baby, I just not been right since. Its never ending and its not going away. I wish I didn't need to do it everyone including the doctor tells me its bad for me. Someone please let me know when they have a solution!

03-03-2013, 03:24 PM
Me too, my googling lead me down the path to my anxiety worrying of every type of cancer under the sun! I too do it for assurance and end up worse.

03-03-2013, 03:25 PM
I am up for trying not to google til this time tomo if anyone wants to do it with me?

03-04-2013, 01:27 AM
Hi Vicky, I will try and stop with you. It might be easier try it with someone rather than on my own. Also talking fear, problems, anxiety and stress on here may help break the Google Search problem.

03-04-2013, 05:01 AM
Let's do it! How are you getting on? Currently feeling rather dizzy after thinking I felt quite good this morning :-( not googled though!

03-04-2013, 06:29 AM
Let's do it! How are you getting on? Currently feeling rather dizzy after thinking I felt quite good this morning :-( not googled though!

This is a really good idea. When alcoholics or gamblers go to their groups, they usually get accountability buddies. Two people that talk often, and who can intervene when the other has a temptation to quit their addiction.

Seems to work really well for them, I'm sure it would work for Google!

03-04-2013, 08:11 AM
Some counselors advise you or a loved one block all sites about health or medicine. Not gonna work. I am also old enough that pre-internet I would go to the library (or more often a bookstore because the books are newer) and sit on the floor in front of the health books. Also, pre-internet, I made use of the recordings that hospitals made where you call and press a number for your symptoms and a recorded message told you what the various diagnoses might be.

Spent HOURS listening to those recordings. I remember once being obsessed with skin cancer. I had just gotten the all clear about another health scare (read "terror") and was standing in line at the grocery store. I saw a women's magazine that had on the cover,"The cancer doctors miss most" so I bought it. That led to my hysteria and phobia about melanoma and led to my husband finding me crying when he came home from work pointing to a tiny bump saying,"I have a basal cell carcinoma!"

I didn't, but having just spent weeks waiting with me for a test to rule out my last fear he was annoyed and told me I was becoming a hypochondriac.
Becoming? Naw. I was THERE.

So, avoid googling and try to avoid women's magazines. They either advertise the disease of the month or show celebrities with taut bodies and perfect hair twenty minutes after giving birth. And that's only the tip of the anxiety-producing iceberg.

03-04-2013, 11:36 AM
Ive not been too bad as ive been out all day. Ive had a few aches and pains but I didn't Google as Ive had these pains before. Sometimes I would google if I feel a new pain and want to know if its connected or if I think that pain could be something else so I google it to check. At the moment I have a new health problem not something I made up or just started to become worried about. Ive been to the doctors and I was worried that I had something bad the worse thing that everyone thinks they have. Anyway I said do you think I have something bad and she said " do you mean do I think you have cancer, No I don't!". Well I couldn't believe that she would know 100% as she has not done any tests, so I started worrying, feeling new sensations and feeling pains, trobbing, aches etc. So I had to have a check on Google and some of my symptoms could indicate the worse. This morning watching tv they were talking about the same thing that I have been worrying about, I was sort of very frightened to listen however even though some of the things I have were mentioned it did ease my mind alittle. All day Ive been trying to tell myself im ok I have a problem but it can be sorted. I find that I Google more when im on my own, as I think my mind does overtime when nobody is with me, also I often need support and if nobody is there I start to google.

I notice when you see a magazine or listening to the tv , its like it sticks out like a sort thumb it jumps out at you and I just have to read it or watch that part on the tv.

I had a mole on my leg, one minute nothing then it was just there. Its hard to see and its towards the back of my leg. It never itches or anything but it has a small lump inside it. I was worried about telling the doctor as she would send me for tests. Well I went to the doctors 3 times before I could tell her and she looked at it and said she wasn't worried. Just to keep an eye on it and maybe take a picture next to a rule. I don't seem to worry about it as its not changed shape and I can see it when I look in a mirror. When I have a problem that's on the inside of my body and I can see it or do anything then I really worry.

Well so far so good no GOOGLE ...

03-04-2013, 02:12 PM
To majored - oh my god - I could have just written that!! That is me. I had to check that i'd not written it!!! I did have one tiny google, my hands/wrists have been stiff so I googled to see if anxiety could cause carpal tunnel!!! Errr no! But I did well that was my only google. My reasonable mind says its cos I carry my 10 month old child, or because I've recently gone back to work after maternity and I'm on a keyboard all day, but u know how it goes!!

03-04-2013, 03:14 PM
Hi Vicky I can understand that you having the pain due to carrying around a small child or typing for most of the day. Last Jan I travelled a long way to pick up a display counter from a warehouse anyway it was very very heavy. I had taken all my weight in one hand while the other hand was used for support. I didn't think anymore of it and then a few weeks later my hand started to hurt I couldn't hold a pen or anything it took months for it to go away, one point it was spreading up my arm. However thinking about it because I had put the pain down to me carrying the display unit it didn't worry me. I didn't google once about it ..if I didn't know what had caused it I would of googled it.