View Full Version : Scared for no reason!

02-25-2013, 07:53 AM
Does anybody else get this feeling of fear, for no apparent reason... and it just stays in your mind, you can't relax, even with friends, still feel lonely... probably even more so! And the feeling just doesn't go away, I've had this for so long now and I don't know if it's even anxiety or depression! It's a horrible horrible feeling... everything seems so dark and scary! :(

02-25-2013, 07:55 AM
Yes I have the same exact feelings sometimes.

02-25-2013, 06:17 PM
I understand that feeling, it's a pretty viscous cycle, and it can be hard to reassure yourself that nothing is wrong when the feeling in and of itself feels like a problem. It's best just to remember that it's adrenaline being pumped through your body, once you get some peace and light in your life things become more easy to control.

02-25-2013, 06:25 PM
Its not depression. Depression you dont really feel "anything" if that makes sense...you are kind of like a zombie and have zero emotion and you feel hopeless...what you are describing is anxiety pretty much. I get it also...only thing you can tell yourself is to push forward. All it is is Adrenalin that is causing your'e brain to fear something that you most likely would of never feared before anxiety.

02-27-2013, 02:12 PM
Just don't make sense. I was fine one day then the next in the hospital with extreme panic attacks. Now I'm like u I have this fear that lurkes in the back of my mind, haunting every thought. Fear of illness, or death, or just doom in general and it is driving me nuts. I want to be normal again! Tired of worrying all day about things out of my control

02-27-2013, 02:24 PM
Yes I have had this feeling irrational fear, I sometimes wake-up at night with my heart beating wildly thinking that I am going to die and nothing I do or say can convince me otherwise.

02-27-2013, 02:40 PM
Do you exercise Lovelyhead? If you're able, and you don't already, you may find it really useful going for a run. It can be second to none when it comes to burning off all that excess adrenaline.

02-27-2013, 02:41 PM
Those random fears are the worst. Not even knowing what I fear, only that it is making me experience anxiety to different degrees on different days. Therapy can help shine a light on the cause and that is the begininng of recovery. I remember when I first started having real anxiety and my wife would say, "what is wrong with you? Just think positive thoughts." Oh, okay that helped, lol.

02-27-2013, 04:23 PM
I went to therapy for a year. I was told to take deep breaths and find a happy place. I felt like happy Gilmore lol. Just wish I had a way for intrusive thoughts and worry to go away without having to take meds

02-28-2013, 09:10 AM
Ah man... thanks so much for all your comments, really appreciate hearing from you and what you're going through, although I wish you all peace within your mind,body and soul as soon as possible!
It's such a nasty sensation, some days will be 'ok' but others are just wasted on fear. It really stops you from enjoying your life... and I can't see it ever going away (I know that's the wrong attitude to have) but I've tried hypnotherapy, psychotherapy etc. I feel kinda doomed. It's a relief to hear that there are others out there that know what I'm talking about... It's like when you're a kid and afraid, your parents make you feel better, but now seems like nobody can save you from this fear! Uuh... I pray that one day it goes away!

Thank you all!

02-28-2013, 09:34 AM
You've described EXACTLY the way I feel. The way I describe it to others is ya know that nervous feeling you get before a big test? I have that ALL the time. Then all that worry drains me mentally so I end up tired all the time.
Besides medication, the only thing that worked for me was to have something to look forward to. Even if it's curling up in bed with my cat at the end of the day, it helps ease the worry.