View Full Version : Had anxiety attack last Tuesday, have only slept 7 hours since then, please help

02-24-2013, 03:05 PM
Some background on me: I've had anxiety disorders since at least age 12, including social anxiety disorder since that age. I haven't been to a psychologist or psychiatrist since I was 19. I'm 32 now. From 2000-early 2012 I didn't have any severe problems with anxiety, just avoidance of most social situations/interaction, which I could deal with. In May 2012 I had a major anxiety attack due to a social situation in my workplace, and that anxiety attack lasted a couple of months, but I was able to sleep fine every night. I took a couple of Benadryl some nights to help me sleep, and some Passionflower supplements to help me through the anxiety, but otherwise sleep was fine and I could cope with my daytime anxiety OK. Since that attack in May I've had anxiety attacks off and on on pretty much a monthly basis due to various triggers, mostly work-related, like when someone gets demanding and raises their voice at me. For example, there was a situation in December where a woman raised her voice and got angry with me, which caused an anxiety attack in me that lasted 3 weeks, with repetitive, intrusive thoughts thinking about her. However, I haven't had any major sleep problems; I may have lost 1 night of sleep a couple of times, but I would sleep great after that. Since January I had been doing OK mostly, and the first couple of weeks of February were peaceful for me, no anxiety.

However, last Tuesday I was reading reviews of a very disturbing horror movie. I didn't watch any of the movie at all, just read a lot of reviews of it, and just reading what happens in the movie triggered a big anxiety attack in me. My body (legs, arms, etc) was trembling uncontrollably, heart racing, racing, repetitive thoughts about that movie, loss of appetite, sweating in bed, hot/cold flashes, and I've had these symptoms ever since then. I have also had insomnia far worse than I've ever had in my life. I was completely unable to sleep for 3 nights, heart racing, unable to stop my body from trembling, getting hot/cold flashes, sweating in bed, and unable to stop thinking about that movie day and night. On each night I took 2 Tylenol PMs, 2 Benadryls, drank some Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Extra tea, and took 2 Passionflower capsules, but none of it did any good. I didn't even get a minute of sleep those nights, and normally 2 Tylenol PMs put me out very easily. On the 4th night (Friday night), after about 86 hours without any sleep at all, I was so completely exhausted and totally desperate for something that would make me fall asleep. I tried taking a cap full of Nyquil (30 mL), and I was able to sleep for 3 hours, but then I woke up for 2 hours, and went back to sleep for another 3 hours. Because of those 6 hours of sleep, yesterday I felt almost back to normal, still having some mild anxiety symptoms and thinking about the movie some, but so relieved that finally something had worked to help me sleep, and I felt like I was getting over this attack. However, last night I took a cap full of Nyquil and couldn't go to sleep at all after lying in bed a couple of hours, but I was also lying in bed afraid I might have a bad dream about that horror movie. At about 3 AM I got up and took another cap full of Nyquil and drank some Sleepytime Extra tea, and after a couple of hours of lying in bed I think I finally fell asleep for about 30 minutes-1 hour, but then I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

I've spent today anxious and worried about this insomnia problem I'm having. My uncontrollable shaking had disappeared yesterday since I had 6 hours of sleep the previous night, but it returned today since I only got 1 hour of sleep last night, and my heart rate is higher than yesterday, about 100 bpm resting. I've only gotten a total of 7 hours of sleep since last Tuesday, and before then I had NEVER had an insomnia problem in my life. I had never missed more than 1 night of sleep in my life. I'm so concerned and scared. Honestly, I've had suicidal thoughts, but I would never go through with it. I just want something that will help me fall asleep. I have no idea why Nyquil helped me sleep 6 hours Friday night and only 1 hour last night. Sleep is really what I need, as sleep has helped me recover from all of my previous anxiety attacks, and I need sleep to be functional, healthy, and happy. I'm a wreck without sleep.

I've been exercising for 1 hour/day and avoiding caffeine everyday. I've also been taking a hot shower before bed.

What do you think I should do? Am I going to be OK? I really need help with this.

02-24-2013, 06:00 PM
Don't worry you are not alone. I had the same problems 3 months ago. I had severe insomnia for 3 months sometimes I am lucky if I get 2 hrs of sleep. I couldn't work bec I was dizzy bec of lack if sleep and very anxious all the time . I was so scared that I will not be able to sleep of go back to normal. Even sleeping pills the doctor gave me did not work. Then after 3 months I started sleeping for more than 3 hrs until I finally got back my body clock. You will be ok trust me. I still get anxiety attack its been more than 4 mos.

02-24-2013, 06:06 PM
Do you have any immediate recommendations for me? Anything I could try tonight? OTC medicine, herbal medicine, techniques, etc.?

I guess I'm concerned that my body is going to become unhealthy or I'm going to go insane if I don't get sleep soon. Should I not be concerned about this?

Do I need to make an appointment with a doctor right now?

02-24-2013, 06:50 PM
You need more than OTC meds like Benadryl. You need a sleep med asap. You may have depression on board too - I know, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. At my worst back in 1990 I also went 3+ days with no sleep. On the last night I went to the medicine cabinet - took two heavy duty pain meds, poured a glass of hard booze and prayed for sleep - nope just a massive headache. Why you are not on meds after so much suffering is something only you know; many resist RX's and Doctors due to bad experiences but for me - on day 4 I saw a Psychiatrist that got me on a sleep med + an anti depressant that was also helpful in making me drowsy. Oh and I did not eat but a few nibbles. Thought it was the end; that I was going completely crazy.
That was my low point and though nothing earth shattering was solved over night (no pun intended), my life came back to me through meds + hard work with a therapist + group therapy + exercise + meditation (you get the idea).
All these years later and once in awhile the night still triggers anxiety but nothing like back then. I did think about suicide but I am happy to say I did not consumate the thought. You need a Doctors help. I do not know, other than what you have already done, anything that will help you tonight - but you need to force your way in to see a Doc TOMORROW. A Psychiatrist. Not a general doc.

02-25-2013, 04:56 AM
Do you have any immediate recommendations for me? Anything I could try tonight? OTC medicine, herbal medicine, techniques, etc.?

I guess I'm concerned that my body is going to become unhealthy or I'm going to go insane if I don't get sleep soon. Should I not be concerned about this?

Do I need to make an appointment with a doctor right now?

I dont think you need to be concerned but clearly you are very concerned. Make an appt with your doctor just to ease your mind.

02-25-2013, 07:36 AM
Last night I tried going to sleep without any medicine, and the first thing I noticed when I got in the bed was I started trembling uncontrollably. Couldn't sleep after 90 minutes, so I got up and took some Valerian with some Melatonin. I'm not sure if I got any sleep because I don't remember any dreams, but I remember tossing and turning a lot, and when I looked at the clock and got up for the day I hadn't been asleep. I still feel reasonably rested, so maybe I went into a state of semi-consciousness for a few hours.

02-25-2013, 07:42 AM
Last night I tried going to sleep without any medicine, and the first thing I noticed when I got in the bed was I started trembling uncontrollably. Couldn't sleep after 90 minutes, so I got up and took some Valerian with some Melatonin. I'm not sure if I got any sleep because I don't remember any dreams, but I remember tossing and turning a lot, and when I looked at the clock and got up for the day I hadn't been asleep. I still feel reasonably rested, so maybe I went into a state of semi-consciousness for a few hours.

Yeah. Its like you're eyes are closed but you still feel awake? I had one of those nights last week. My doctor gave me something for both anxiety and sleep. It works pretty well i felt very rested. But you cant drink like any alcohol with it so i cant take it on nights i socialize with my friends. Those nights i can only sleep well if one of my friends stays the night. For some reason i feel safer knowing someone is right there so if anything bad should ever happen i wont be alone.

02-25-2013, 07:47 AM
Yeah. Its like you're eyes are closed but you still feel awake?

Yes, exactly, my eyes are closed but I'm still awake, or maybe eventually in a semi-conscious state. What did your doctor give you? I'm just afraid of becoming dependent or having side effects with those drugs, maybe tolerance too.

02-25-2013, 08:11 AM
Yes, exactly, my eyes are closed but I'm still awake, or maybe eventually in a semi-conscious state. What did your doctor give you? I'm just afraid of becoming dependent or having side effects with those drugs, maybe tolerance too.

Trazodone. I don't feel like ill be dependent at all on it. But you should see a physician.

02-25-2013, 10:27 AM
I think for those days of elusive sleep, we should make use of the time instead of lying in bed or pacing the floor worrying and fearing that we are going crazy and our bodies are going to shut down. Truth is, they are just fears. None of that will happen. If you can't sleep, don't worry about it. Just get up and read or write. You would be so surprised what these two habits can do as it relates to easing your fears and mind.

02-25-2013, 12:58 PM
I think for those days of elusive sleep, we should make use of the time instead of lying in bed or pacing the floor worrying and fearing that we are going crazy and our bodies are going to shut down. Truth is, they are just fears. None of that will happen. If you can't sleep, don't worry about it. Just get up and read or write. You would be so surprised what these two habits can do as it relates to easing your fears and mind.

It really is a problem if you cant sleep for days. Sleep deprivation can cause anxiety/depression not to mention make you over all feel physically unwell.