View Full Version : this is harder than I expected.. :/

02-24-2013, 12:54 PM
I went to my first visit with a counselor and I think it went pretty alright. And I set up another appointment and an appointment with a doctor to get some meds. But the anxiety of all of this is getting even more dabilitating and my minds racing and I feel disconnected like I'm watching a movie of myself. I'll be facing the past 3 years that I've tried to hide from. I feel scared and I feel so weak and then just angry and frustrated. This is all so overwhelming... I've been in isolation from the outside and I like it, but I guess its not normal. And I don't want my daughter to grow up thinking its normal to never leave your house but 3 times a month... :/

02-24-2013, 01:05 PM
I feel like that sometimes too after bringing up all those emotions in therapy. You will be ok, it will really pay off in the long run. Hang in there 😊

02-24-2013, 01:31 PM
Hi first off... Secondly.., much love and hugs too you!! Thirdly.., as my Doc would say... " Counseling.. Counseling..Counseling!!" I still have a hard time after a little over a year heading that advice, and I remember going to and from my first appt..It takes Courage to take that step.. Let me say that again.. It takes COURAGE to make that step!! I have gone thru tremendous loss over the last 2 years and somehow still find myself standing.. be it it not perfect, and a bit wobbly at times, someone or something feels I need to battle on.. and that's what we do.. 1 day at a time..