View Full Version : Is this normal?

02-23-2013, 09:26 PM
I have mentioned in a previous post that sometimes I see things out of the corner of my eyes and a few people said they had the same thing. However, there are some other things that happen sometimes that have me a little worried and I'm just curious to know if anyone else experiences this...I have like mild hallucinations. I hear things sometimes but i always know that it's not in my head if that makes sense. For example I might hear something, and be like did I just hear that or was it the tv. Then sometimes I see black specs or colorful blobs in my vision. I might look at something and see it as something else. To be more specific, I was waking into my room and there was a piece of paper on my dresser, it was wrinkled and shadowy from the light bouncing off of it and I briefly saw a face on it, not a real human but it looked like a sketched face from the way the paper was wrinkled. Anywho...I know these things aren't there but it's still weird. I mentioned a few of these things to my doc and she is not concerned, I am though. Anyone else have anything similar? It seems like the more anxious I get the more it happens. I know that hallucinations are not common with anxiety though so I'm confused...

02-24-2013, 02:21 AM
I don't know how this isn't more common. I mean all anxiety is, is our brains playing tricks on us. Why could it not make you think you saw something for a brief moment or even change something you saw?

02-24-2013, 07:06 AM
I don't know how this isn't more common. I mean all anxiety is, is our brains playing tricks on us. Why could it not make you think you saw something for a brief moment or even change something you saw?

Do you have these issues?

02-24-2013, 07:12 AM
I sometimes see things out of the corner of my eye, when I turn to look, nothing is there. I just dismiss it now, and I don't try to analyze it like I used to. I don't really see things like the paper example you gave, but honestly, it doesn't sound far out to me. Our eyes can easily play tricks on us, I think the key is just learning to accept and/or dismiss it. It's once you start to try to analyze/ legitimize what it is and why its happening that our anxiety kicks in.

02-24-2013, 07:58 AM
I sometimes see things out of the corner of my eye, when I turn to look, nothing is there. I just dismiss it now, and I don't try to analyze it like I used to. I don't really see things like the paper example you gave, but honestly, it doesn't sound far out to me. Our eyes can easily play tricks on us, I think the key is just learning to accept and/or dismiss it. It's once you start to try to analyze/ legitimize what it is and why its happening that our anxiety kicks in.

That's what I do...I analyze it and obsess over why it happened and how I must be crazy, then I'm in a mini panic attack. I really do need to accept that it's anxiety but I am so scared that its something more.

02-24-2013, 08:48 AM
That's what I do...I analyze it and obsess over why it happened and how I must be crazy, then I'm in a mini panic attack. I really do need to accept that it's anxiety but I am so scared that its something more.

No, trust me....people who are losing their minds do not know they are losing their minds.....you are fine, my dear, YOU just have to believe it! Anxiety can cause all that you are describing....are you sleeping well at night? Lack of adequate sleep can cause what you mentioned as well.

02-24-2013, 09:36 AM
I can tell you now this happens to me. I just dismiss it and not worry about it. Not that easy sometimes. Im pretty sure most people have had this.

02-24-2013, 12:17 PM
No, trust me....people who are losing their minds do not know they are losing their minds.....you are fine, my dear, YOU just have to believe it! Anxiety can cause all that you are describing....are you sleeping well at night? Lack of adequate sleep can cause what you mentioned as well.

I sure hope that's true haha! I sleep good, I just go to sleep way too late, then I'm up early in the am with my daughter.

02-24-2013, 12:19 PM
I can tell you now this happens to me. I just dismiss it and not worry about it. Not that easy sometimes. Im pretty sure most people have had this.

My husband says the same thing. I guess I just notice it so much because my biggest fear is schizophrenia. So I pick up on EVERY odd thing or thought that happens. Sometimes I can dismiss it and other times I get really scared.

02-24-2013, 01:14 PM
Same exact thing I go through u get those little black spot or shadow moments in the corner of ur eye and u turn and bam nothing there ...also colorful spots they flash and dissapear I have them also ...those get me a little jumpy too and how I do it I kinda make ahold bout it and just let it be but I know exactly what u go through

02-24-2013, 02:44 PM
I sure hope that's true haha! I sleep good, I just go to sleep way too late, then I'm up early in the am with my daughter.

Don't I understand that!!!! My daughter is still on a weird sleep schedule and doesn't sleep well at night all the time....I had to force myself to go to bed early because I was seriously starting to resemble a racoon, with the dark circles!!! Lol.

02-24-2013, 07:34 PM
Don't I understand that!!!! My daughter is still on a weird sleep schedule and doesn't sleep well at night all the time....I had to force myself to go to bed early because I was seriously starting to resemble a racoon, with the dark circles!!! Lol.

Lol! How old is your daughter?

02-24-2013, 08:48 PM
Lol! How old is your daughter?

She is 4 years old, but has never slept very well. Even cutting out naps during the day hasn't worked, its only a few nights during the week that she will sleep completely through the night.

02-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Awe :( I know that's tough. My daughter goes through phases and she does that. For the most part though she sleeps really well. How many children do you have? I just have one. Do you have fb or KIK?

02-24-2013, 09:42 PM
Ok trinadiva and mellymel my daughter is 5 and I struggle with getting her to bed every night and most if the time just as I am falling asleep she will come crawl into bed with me and my husband ... Which makes for no sleep for me because instead if putting her in the middle I sleep in the middle so my husband can sleep so I am getting kicked slapped punched you name it then I have our 40 lb dog at the end of our bed so I become very clausiphobic (spelling) and when I don't get enough sleep my anxiety an Danica is off the charts
. How do you guys deal with it ?

02-25-2013, 05:33 AM
Awe :( I know that's tough. My daughter goes through phases and she does that. For the most part though she sleeps really well. How many children do you have? I just have one. Do you have fb or KIK?

I have two kids, a son who is 7 and my daughter. Yes, I have FB, if you want to add me, I can message you my name. I do not have KIK though. What is that?

02-25-2013, 05:39 AM
Ok trinadiva and mellymel my daughter is 5 and I struggle with getting her to bed every night and most if the time just as I am falling asleep she will come crawl into bed with me and my husband ... Which makes for no sleep for me because instead if putting her in the middle I sleep in the middle so my husband can sleep so I am getting kicked slapped punched you name it then I have our 40 lb dog at the end of our bed so I become very clausiphobic (spelling) and when I don't get enough sleep my anxiety an Danica is off the charts
. How do you guys deal with it ?

Yes, on the nights that she wakes up, she usually ends up crawling in bed with my husband and I . She is a bit of a wild sleeper, so I end up getting kicked, smacked in the face, and pretty much end up holding on to the edge of the bed for dear life, just like you.... Usually, after those nights, I have a rough day....I sometimes have to take a little nap during my hour long lunch break. 30 minutes to eat, 30 minutes to sleep. Im not sure what I can do to improve her sleep habits...I have cut out naps completely.