View Full Version : Organization and plans; the best way i've dealt with my anxiety

02-23-2013, 05:37 PM
Just as the title says, though I still struggle, I have such a better hold of it since I've developed a much better organizational system, where I plan to do lists and events on my calendar/and so on. I wanted to create this thread to post a few reading materials that have immensely helped me get hold of my anxiety through feeling on top of everything I have to do, in hopes it helps someone else.

Getting Things Done -David Allen
Great book for organization in your life. Highly recommended

For some reason not many people know about this site, but it's AMAZING. Helped me most by making me question my true motivations and what I valued in life, which in turn allowed me to understand how important my goals are to me. And it has a great organization method as well.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People -Stephen Covey
Inspirational and straightforward guide on shifting your mind and getting things organized.