View Full Version : Green Lantern- A Lesson in Overcoming Fear

02-23-2013, 04:32 AM
I'm a big comics fan. Not all comics, but the more mature ones with good literature and great art written for adults. The Green Lantern movie was pretty good, but the comics are way better. I recommend seeing the movie though. One of the classic themes of Green Lantern is the ability to overcome great fear using the will. A green Lantern is chosen by the ring. When a Lantern dies, that ring seeks out a replacement. It choses a new Green Lantern by finding someone who has the ability to overcome great fear. The Lanterns are known to be fearless. Green is the color of the will. The will of the lantern, is what is used to control the ring. These rings can create anything the person wills it to do. They can fight huge aliens and monsters and villains and make enormous constructs with the rings, controlled by the will. But there is one flaw with the Green Lantern's ring: It is worthless against the color yellow. Yellow embodies complete fear. So although the Lanterns can overcome great fear and are fearless, they are kept in check by the color yellow. Different rings stand for different spectrums of emotion and vibration. There are the black rings, the white rings, the violet rings of love, etc. The stuff is really good.

Anyway, all of this reminds me a lot about anxiety. I actually met one of the main writers of Green Lantern comics, Geoff Johns and he was a very nice guy. Anyway, I suggest watching the movie, and if you want, pick up the comics. You can start with the Graphic Novel- Green Lantern: Rebirth which is the beginning of a huge run that leads into this great series called The Blackest Night. And guess what the second book in the series is? Green Lantern: No Fear.

This is how I feel I overcame anxiety. I used my will to overcome the fear. And I believe anyone suffering from anxiety by way of their will, can do the same. My strong will found the techniques, methods, supplements, etc., to get me to get past it and cure it. I just kept at it until I was better. Don't surrender, but keep your will strong. Not just fighting, but the will to be happy and content. The will to truly enjoy life and feel good about living. The will to go in uncomfortable, awkward and scary situations so you can overcome it. The will to get yourself on the healing path to an anxiety free life.

Watch the movie and if you want read the comics and let me know what you think.
