View Full Version : New medication

02-22-2013, 11:39 PM
Ok I need to know who has neurological symptoms from anxiety and what symptoms are they. I'm starting to feel like something is really wrong with me :( today I went to the dr snd she started me on Zoloft and gabapentin (neurotin) for my symptoms... Anyone ever heard of that?

02-23-2013, 07:21 AM
Yep, an ssri and anticonvulsant(which benzos are too) which help with anxiety over some time.
As for neuro symptoms, can be shaking, tremor, stuttering, tics, jerks, headache, muscle tension, etc, ..all from anxiety. Alankay

02-24-2013, 10:38 AM
Note from the RN here.......Neurontin and the whole family of anti-seizure meds exept dilantin can be very very effective for anxietyand also for mood swings, etc. It's not an SSRI, (sorry Alankay!) . The act as mood stabalizers. I've taken lamictal (lamotrigine) for several years prescribed by my psychitrist and also take a benzo (xanax). Your doc may tinker with the dose of neurontin after seeing how you do with it. These meds brought me from utter anguished despair and hideous anxiety to a much better level. Still working on PTSD with a specialized therapist. Now that I'm more stable I can really take advantage of this therapy becuase I'm not climbing the walls with anxiety. As Alankay said I think we all have what seem like neuro symptoms with anxiety but they are fom the anxiety. Been there, done that, got scared (terrified, really) and eventually got past it with lots of help. You will, too.

02-24-2013, 12:19 PM
My biggest fear ever is having a seizure then she puts me on anti seizure medication. Really?? Lol I get these weird head feelings where it feels like I have to move my head the time. It's crazy feeling. It almost feels like I can't stop doing it but I know i can. I always feel weird and numb and my chest feels like I can't feel it like I have to tense my muscles to feel it. And it feels like I only have it on my left side. I feel it on the left side of my head left arm and left leg and left foot. It's so weird. I wish I could just be dx right but maybe it is anxiety.

02-24-2013, 12:43 PM
Oh, I get it. Having been prescribed a medication used for people who have seizure but also used as a mood stablaizer in your case would easity bring up the fear of seizues. Because of your fear of seizures, even hearing the word can kick in your anxiety about that. But here's the deal. This medication is prescibed for you for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with seizures. And hey, you can think of it this way if it helps: you'll sure never have a seizure on this med!