View Full Version : Sunny Days

02-22-2013, 05:39 PM
I feel it is so important to stop and be thankful for the times we are free from our affliction. I work hard on my recovery so, in addition to thanking God, my doctors, this froum - I thank myself with a virtual pat on the back. The simple ability to enjoy a sunny day free from anxiety is almost enough to bring a tear to my eye. I can be overwhelmed with the emotion of happiness for those moments.
When I first had anxiety visit 20+ years ago I never did that. I never paused on good days and smelled the roses. Now, I make sure I journal and make note of the good days - it helps when anxiety returns to look back and see that every day is not like that. Good days will return. I am very effected by sunshine - something to do with my very low Vitamin D levels maybe. Anyway, my mood can really swing with the sunshine.

02-22-2013, 06:51 PM
Mine too, I definitely experience SAD...throughout the winter months when it is overcast and gloomy. I definitely feel better once the spring weather starts... I was actually thinking of investing in one of those lamps that are meant to help people suffering from SAD.
I too, now give ALOT of thanks for the good days and small accomplishments. I try to dwell on those things when I'm not having the best day, and it does help.

02-22-2013, 07:36 PM
When things are at their best, rain and the sound of it against the window outside can be so comforting. It can remind me of childhood; of pretending my bed was a tent in the wilderness while a storm raged outside. But in not so good times, rain and the sound of it only serves to remind me of the gray cast over everything outside and in; especially my mood. Almost every episode of anxiety I have experienced of note started in the winter months. I got out and rode my bike long and hard today, pushing through the sunshine; renewed for a day. Tonight I sit with my 3 therapy dogs - Riley, Sophie and Tori at my side, sipping a glass of cabernet celebrating an anxiety free day. One day at a time is all we can ask.

02-22-2013, 07:50 PM
Bajablue you are so amazing I wish we had more sunny days here in Cleveland Oh .... Today it was grey gloomy and everything was covered in a sheet of ice .... Today was not such a great day for me but you have inspired me to look forward to tomorrow. So excited you had a anxiety free day

02-22-2013, 08:58 PM
I live in Florida and can't imagine being away from the sun. I day soaking up the sunshine makes me feel so much better. You mentioned you have low vitamin d levels, are you taking any vitamin d supplements for that?

02-22-2013, 09:36 PM
Yes I am taking 2000 Mg/iu per day. Will see if it is helping in a few weeks when they test my blood.

02-22-2013, 10:06 PM
Yes I was low in Vitamin D also and have been taking 3000 IU/day it has improved how I feel a great deal. My level was about 34 when the tested it which isn't "technically" deficient but way to low if you want to feel your best. The vitamin d council says on their website that optimal levels should be around 50-80 so I am slowly working my way up to that. It seems as if my blood level goes up 5 points a month with my 3000IU/day supplementing.

It also states on their website:

"Ask your doctor for a 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, test. One may also refer to it simply as a “vitamin D test." In the past, doctors have been known to order a 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D test. This is the wrong test as it cannot determine vitamin D deficiency. Make sure your doctor orders the correct test."

Just figured id pass on a little information ive learned on the subject.

02-22-2013, 10:09 PM
Much appreciated. My reading was 22 last blood test. I will make sure I'm getting the right test too.

02-22-2013, 10:23 PM
I am from Miami and most of the time super sunny out side , but I get dizzy from hot really ichy of the hot , I used to go to beach every weekend n a couple of days during the week to playing volleyball ,.so I was having a good tan , now I am super mega white that my friends always ask. Me.if I am okay , my doctor told me to get 30 minutes of sun everyday but I never do just a couple of time , I want to go back and play.so.bad lol

02-22-2013, 10:53 PM
One thing I have seen from this Forum: Folks either find the night & sleep a refuge or they dread it as the the toughest test of the day. For me, since the sun never shines at night, it has always been the biggest challenge of the day. Darkness and loneliness run in the same pack.

02-22-2013, 11:55 PM
I am sure your low D is playing a large role in your symptoms. The higher it gets the better you will most likely feel. Goodluck and let me know how the next set of blood work goes!