View Full Version : How not to worry about your kids so much.

02-22-2013, 04:21 PM
I constantly worry about my kids getting sick. Always telling them to wash their hands and my five year old carries hand sanitizer with her to school. And when they do get sick I worry way too much. My daughter who is five is at the doc right now and may have the flu. This scares me to death. Even though I know it's not as bad as the news like to make it sound. I worry for her and then for my 3 year old son cause he might get it and then lastly me. I'm terrified to get it. When I was a kid I got sick and was fine. No big deal. I ate off the ground, played in the creek and drank creek water out of a canteen. I spent all day outside and never washed hands til bathtime at night. I wish I could relax and not be so protective and let them just be kids. I feel like if I don't over protect and they get sick then it's my fault. Im sure this is all anxiety related cause my wife isn't near as bad as me.

02-22-2013, 04:43 PM
I know your feeling. I just got over a bad cold in january. My daughter just returned from a ski trip and is hacking and coughing. I'm concerned about her health but shes not the one that has to go to work and pay the bills. Can I put her quarantine?.....lol!