View Full Version : Drinking a glass of red wine with sertraline/zoloft?

02-22-2013, 12:57 PM
Hey guys..
I've been on sertraline again for nearly 2months and I had a glass of red last week and then felt horrible for days afterwards..Really down, and hopeless.I'm sure that it was the red wine that caused this..But in the past when I was on sertraline for 2 years, I don't remember having such a low mood after drinking with it and I used to drink 2 glasses or more..
Maybe my body is still adjusting to the meds so I should just lay off the wine..My boyfriend also complained that I've had a bad breath for awhile now, which seems to be from the meds..Mouth is dryer than usual I guess....Shame they have such side effects..;-(

02-22-2013, 01:09 PM
I take Zoloft 200mg daily. You gotta remember your gonna get drunk quicker. 1 beer will feel like 3. Also remember that Zoloft makes you happy and alcohol depresses you. So every time you drink, your altering your treatment and taking two steps back until you can make more Serotonin, which might take days. The more you drink, the more drew depressed you will feel the next day.
I'm always thirsty. I'm on a couple different psych meds, but I wouldn't doubt that a dry mouth is a side effect.

02-22-2013, 03:42 PM
Alcohol is a major depressant!! Thats why you felt so bad xx

02-23-2013, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the tips..I guess i'll just stay away from it. x

02-23-2013, 06:53 PM
I ride long distances on my bike. I live in a valley with over 80 wineries. Today I rode 15 miles, stopped at a winery with my buddy who was riding with me. We did some wine tasting and ate lunch and rode home. 30 miles round trip. I also take Zoloft but do not have the same effect; however I have indeed heard of others wh have. Find what makes you feel good, what is healthiest for you and do it in spades.

02-25-2013, 02:28 AM
I am taking 25mg of Zoloft, last Friday I wants out with a few guys, had about 4 beers and I was so drunk, ordinarily I'd be ok, so it definitely affects you.

02-25-2013, 08:07 AM
Thanks guys! I'll just take it easy with the alcohol..I dont usually drink much anyway, but used to enjoy a glass of red wine at the weekend. Will see..