View Full Version : I want to hide.

02-22-2013, 09:26 AM
Well, right now I am laying in bed and I have that over whelming feeling that something is about to happen to me. It's leaving me tossing and turning. I started thinking and I wish there was this like...guaranteed safe place I could go and hide where I knew in advanced that absolutely nothing was going to happen to me. I'd want to go here just so I could temporarily be released from that constant worry. Oh it would be so great. I want to try and fall back asleep but I fear being woke up suddenly by whatever is "about to happen" so I lay here awake contemplating it all to avoid that possibility. What I especially hate is being asleep and waking up to a doorbell. It scares the hell out of me. There are 1,000 possibilities of who it could be and I really don't like being faced with that. I wish I could just feel normal about things in life that should be so easy.

02-22-2013, 10:07 AM
If I were you Id stop laying in bed and get your mind into something. Doesnt really matter what but you can't think of two things at the same time. I use video games and computer related stuff. Trust me if you find a good video game that you really get into it will take up all your attention.

02-22-2013, 11:08 AM
I already am big on gaming. As for getting out of bed this is when I sleep. If I don't, I won't get any. I have lots of things that i do that are distracting to the mind but when it comes down to it the anxiety is always there. Thanks anyway.

02-22-2013, 11:39 AM
Right, I should have read your post a little better. Anyway what I would suggest is try some headphones with some sort of relaxation CD, probably a talky talky one. That stuff sends me right to sleep. Or try counting sheep or do your times tables in your head. Or maybe try a talking book on head phones. Like I said you cant think of two things at once. I find it easier to fall asleep when im watching tv or something.

02-22-2013, 05:21 PM
I am an advocate for loading up your tool belt with numerous things to help. Yes, when my anxiety hits or visits as I tend to say, sometimes I just panic and do nothing which I know is wrong. But most times I reach into my belt and start deploying tools --- meditative music, exercise, aromatherapy, I sometimes go get a massage, I journal and I do a lot of positive self talk. I make sure I have therapy with my psychologist scheduled. If it goes on long I go see my Psychiatrist to review the meds I am on. I always have a benzo within reach as a last resort too.
Now, I am an older guy and I am not suggesting you do this but I also like to go down to my favorite cigar lounge where it is dark and cool and relaxing. I smoke a cigar, listen to mellow music or watch tv. That works for me at times.

02-22-2013, 05:35 PM
What usually works for me is to sit down by the pool with a glass of wine and some nice music. This totally relaxes me and I could do it all day. Though there are naturally people who are going to be more anxious than others, we have to find a way to cope with it. The fact is that it may never go away and will always be there. Therefore, just embrace it and realize that some things are out of our control. If something were to happen, it will happen whether you worry about it or not. That's what made me come out of my shell. I came to terms with the fact that I can't control it, so therefore I should stop worrying and just do things I love..