View Full Version : I'm so scared that this is the end :((

02-22-2013, 03:52 AM
I've been suffering from intense, unending anxiety for about three months now. I have been prone to panic attacks for years, but for some reason, this strong anxiety begin in late November. At that time it came and went but around the beginning of December, the anxiety became constant, and has had a grip on me ever since. I am severely anxious about falling asleep, even though I actually want to, mostly because I have this fear that I'll die in my sleep. This started out with strong muscle tensions that would overtake my entire body which I often interpreted as something seriously wrong.

I went to the ER on December 22 last year and was told that based on my EKG and blood tests that there is nothing physically wrong with me and that the anxiety is the culprit of the uneasiness. I was then released.

Soon after, around Christmas, I started sleeping at night again, and while the anxiety started to go down, I did feel extremely sleepy during the day. This excessive daytime sleepiness doesn't go away and has not since then. I never feel like I got enough sleep.

Things seemed to improve mildly from about New Year's to the middle of January, and that's where things started to implode. For some reason, I became very scared and convinced that my physical symptoms has to be something other than anxiety.

"How could anxiety be like THIS?!"

I thought...

I've called the nurse's hotline during the night numerous times. They know who I am now. Every night I have this feeling that I am about to die. On top of that I am very lonely because I can only sleep in the day time.

I ended up going to the ER again on February 1st and they did the same tests and told me that I was ok and simply suffering from anxiety. I went home calmer but I freaked that same night because whenever I'm not fearing dying, I'm afraid I'm going to lose touch with reality.

I finally went to the ER again Monday night, which feels like forever ago, because I was sleeping very poorly the week of Valentine's Day, and I started to get short of breath and leg cramps and I would try to fall asleep. The shortness of breath and leg cramps are gone, but now I'm even WORSE off because I'm not sleeping anymore! Beforehand, I would at least sleep, even though I would wake up sleepy and as exhausted as before.

Now all I end up taking are catnaps. I ALWAYS dream during them, even though they are incredibly short, like an hour or less. And the dreams are always very pronounced. I last slept three hours ago for about one hour. These naps make me feel refreshed and relieved for a little while, and then the anxiety comes back in.
And at this time of night (now 3:41am) I never seem to go back to sleep. I am TOO TIRED to do anything other than lay there and try to sleep and am AFRAID to do anything other than such. Yet when I try, I usually don't sleep.

I'm afraid I'll never get a full night's sleep again =(

I saw my physician on Tuesday who said that I have severe anxiety and said I needed counseling. My girlfriend, whose mom is a nurse and knows people in the medical community, says they think I have an adrenal problem. I brought that up with him but he didn't look into it because he said that with normal BP and being a young man, such would be unlikely for me.

I'm pushing forward, scheduled an appt with a therapist, and trying to get in with a sleep specialist. But for now I'm so on edge. I'm worried about losing touch with reality and that I'll go so long without adequate sleep that I will lose my ability to think.

I don't have any suicidal thoughts, and wouldn't call myself as depressed as I am ANXIOUS, but I feel like I'm always dreaming and like everything around me isn't even real.

I MADE myself go out into town the day before yesterday to do stuff in the sun and that felt great for a while but I'm so SO SO tired yet can't sleep when I try.

Everyone says that anxiety is something millions go through but I feel as though no one has it like this. And I'm also aware of how selfish that is of me to say that.

I just want a normal life again. I want to be able to interact with my family and girlfriend normally again. I can't think of anything other than what I'm going through, but I am forcing myself to try.

Has anyone else been through something similar to this and got through it? I need to believe that I will get through this. I pray to God every day that He will just hold my hand. Each day feels like it's a year away.

:(( I want to live life, I want to be back.

And yes, for the record, getting through the night always has me more on edge because of the loneliness. I often THINK I'm getting confused and losing it, so I do math problems, and ask myself questions like "what year is it?" "what's your name?" "Who is President?"

I hate how I always feel like I could lose my sense of self at any minute and must examine my perceptions at every chance, or that I will lose it.

I just want to get through this :((

02-22-2013, 08:05 PM
Time is short for me tonight. I will try and write some helpful words later. For now please know you are not the only person to go through everything you are feeling and experiencing. Sleep issues? I had them very bad 20 years ago. I tried to "man-up" and get through it. Well, that was not going to work. I finally got to a therapist, psychiatrist etc. Meds, CBT, etc. It was work and the effect on my anxiety was not fast as I would have liked it but it got better. Stay on this site - use it to talk about your feelings and fears. Help is here and at the very least, we experienced few can point in healthy directions for help.

02-22-2013, 08:46 PM
Fordingthewaters - please know we are all here for you. I am new to this site but it has helped me through everyday since. I have suffered with anxiety / panic attacks for 8 yrs now and actually just went on meds in may 2012 because I could not longer deal with the constant chest pains insomnia and the feeling of fear everytime I stepped out my front door. I have a now 5 yr old who will be starting school in Sept and she is starting a dance class this Sunday. I fear everyday that she will feed off of my anxiety and panic so I joined this forum and with the help of others they have helped me get through e upping of my meds when I was so scared and some really bad days where I didn't want to get out of bed. So my new thoughts with this anxiety is just this .... We who suffer together can find a way to heal together. There is always someone online join the chat room so when you have those nights where you can not sleep you can chat with someone who understands what you Are feeling.
I hope and wish for you a peaceful nights rest also have you tried any of the meditation sites? It takes a while because you sre doing it on your own abut when you get the hang of it .... Amazing it relaxes me and helps me sleep.

02-22-2013, 08:56 PM
I have experienced exactly what you are going through and I can tell you IT WILL GET BETTER. You just need to take forward steps to get better.

My first question is are you taking any medication for the anxiety?

Secondly have you had your b12, vitamin d, and thyroid checked?

02-22-2013, 10:28 PM
I'm actually having the same bad time your having, your not alone seems like ativan is the only thing that cuts the anxiety, I know you can get through this we don't see it right now cause are minds are locked into the what if the doctor told me I have a fatty liver and now I'm obsessed that its going to kill me one day even though in back of my head jus have to take one day at a time trust my docs and follow there plan of action but the way I think I'm worried all day thinking its going to cause a complication, I hate my mind sometimes :( best of luck to you and I have faith you will get through this harsh anxiety time

02-23-2013, 06:02 AM
I'm actually having the same bad time your having, your not alone seems like ativan is the only thing that cuts the anxiety, I know you can get through this we don't see it right now cause are minds are locked into the what if the doctor told me I have a fatty liver and now I'm obsessed that its going to kill me one day even though in back of my head jus have to take one day at a time trust my docs and follow there plan of action but the way I think I'm worried all day thinking its going to cause a complication, I hate my mind sometimes :( best of luck to you and I have faith you will get through this harsh anxiety time

Hey, did u have your doctors appt? Hope everything went ok.

02-23-2013, 10:28 AM
Some things they still gotta check new med makes me feel odd

02-23-2013, 11:38 AM
Hi Treading the Waters and everyone else. I'm so glad that you will be having a sleep study. That means that you probably will have an appt with a sleep specialist (if not, ask for one). These folks really understand sleep issues and will take a detailed history and often make some very useful recommendations that will help you. I had sleep anxiety like you do for a long time and still wake from naps with anxiety but my psychiatrist and I have managed all of this with medications and now I sleep wonderfully well. I worked (as an RN) on a nurse lin for several years and if you find it's helpful then just go ahead and call whenever you need to. I'ts fine that they know you by now. They will have taken notes and will have knowledge of what you are going through. And PLEASE, don't let anyone make you think that "just anxiety" means you just have to deal with it on your own or that it's your fault or anything like that. Anxiety is a medical disorder like any other and you deserve treament and understanding. If you don't have your own Primary Care doctor it's a very good idea to get one. They are usually very interested in your well-being and can be powerful advocates for you as you work through this. As the post above assure you, you are not at all alone. Stay in touch. We are all here for you.

02-23-2013, 04:09 PM
Some things they still gotta check new med makes me feel odd

Odd like what? Worse? I hope you are feeling a little better than u have been.

02-23-2013, 07:21 PM
I have anxiety not as irrational but been having headaches and still molding obsessing bout these up coming blood test they got to check my gerd and liver so I'm having some anticipating anxiety also a dibetic screening a lot on my plate but am on some meds that are helping a lil right now jus scared there actually going to find sonthing :/ jus not sure how ill deal