View Full Version : Health anxiety but went to drs today

02-22-2013, 12:13 AM
Hi, I finally faced my fears and booked a half hour appointment with my dr. My husband came as support but waited in the waiting room. Turns out I have diabetes, type 2, put me on metformin but has suggested loosing weight and seeing dietician so could come off it. Feel ok about this. Have been having burping, terrible shoulder pain (have had this for years so not new symptom) but also have like a pulling sensation across my chest which is new, not all the time. Chiroprator says its to do with muscles in back etc and should come right. Dr said sounds like muscle related as well as I am scared it is heart attack or something. Blood pressure excellent and everything great. Has put me on citalopram 20mg for anxiety related stuff and Losec for burping. Problem is I am still worried and have been googling all day my symptoms. Honestly I think I have diagnosed myself with everything. Know the citalopram takes a while to kick in and can be a bit rough in first couple of weeks. Felt tired and a bit sick and still very anxious.

02-22-2013, 01:25 AM
That's what we always do. Self diagnose. Always the worst.

02-22-2013, 01:57 AM
I would have more faith in a doctors diagnosis and advice rather than google anyday. Also my doctor being aware of my health anxiety goes the extra mile to ensure I am satisfied with his diagnosis and test results. I am always being referred to specialists....lol!!

02-22-2013, 02:27 AM
Its just so frustrating. I feel so normal sometimes and other times I feel like Im on a rollacoaster of emotions. I really hope the meds work and Im trying to stay positive. The dr thought my neck/shoulder pain is from the anxiety, rolling the shoulders etc and slumping, not breathing properly etc. I have to admit she was very helpful and listened

02-22-2013, 03:24 AM
Kakariki I totally understand the rollercoaster feeling. One minute your feeling just fine and the next your crawling out of your skin. Welcome to the world of anxiety. Just keep on keeping on. Stay involved on this forum and step by step things will get better.

02-24-2013, 10:46 AM
Oh, Jamus, spot on! I remember when I had awful health anxiety.....was in nursing school at thie time, yikes, plenty of health stuff to be utterly panicky about. I think that by doing all of the research I did about my health fears were that I was looking for reassurance. What a mistake that was, just kept on finding more and more stuff to be terrified about.