View Full Version : why i feel so sick

02-21-2013, 11:12 PM
hi im rafael im 23 years old ,first time i got my first panic i was 16 years old.was just another day in school,im was oky and from no where i got the feeling where i was go to passout if i didnt move ,then from no where i start to have to farts like every 2 sec i know it sound funny but wasnt . i told i was going crazy i told my mom she took me to a doctor i did a few blood work but he sad i was oky .i keeped goin to school and having panic if was really a panic attack , so when i was 17 i sad i cant take these no more and i droped school every family friend went against me even my dad but was nothing i could do ,i was goin to school but i was learning nothing i was just tryinh to controlle me feelings i was so alert that when i got home i was exhausted and went to sleep then i wake up like 1 and couldnt sleep .but before all these i did haded trouble falling sleeping .

ok then i droped school , most of my time i was home i had no motivacion , ok then few months later i start to taking care of my teeth the i got a brace and i had to go every month to the dentist when the here came that feeling of moving and farting was really bad cuz if i stand still i feel like i was going to passout. told my mom and i sad i need to removed these brace cuz i cant stand still really bad feeling so i did went 1 more time was really bad to get removed and never again i went to the dentist. then i was back on my cave for few months then i went to see these doctor she put me on effexor xr i did felt better but not that much i took for 3 years then i stoped i wasnt feeling better + worst i was really slow , people would get mad at me say u lazy dude i would get mad cuz i was trying but when i did stoped taking i saw i was to slow .

ok then i was working parttime staying home no motivation at all then when i was 20 years old o went with my sister to seattle and on the when back i started to feel bad i was geting scarre could not breathe felt like something was blocking my throat was really bad. then after few months i got my driving license ,i was motivated but like in two months i got a new panic wheni was driving couldnt sand still on red light felt like i was goin to losse control ok i stoped driving was back home then again i started to work and i was just feel Scared and shaking so bad i started to feel panic from heights too . so went back to my cave but my father was like will you stay on ur room for every comeon thats nothing so i was working a week staying 2 home . didnt knew what to do.

then on may 26 of 2012 i started to feel like shit but really bad i was home and i couldn't stand still , coundnt concentrate on nothing i was moving my legs like carzy walking from 1 side to the olther then i stared to feel cold and hot same time shaking nausea headeck like a pressure i went 5 time to the er but thing then last time they found out i had fluid on my lungs they removed the fluid and sad the i was having on anxiety attack i dont know the deference of panic and anxiety attack. ok i went home stay there for a week then i went back to the er i was feeling like i was going crazy coulnt watch tv play video game nothing and still feeling cold and hot ok went to the er they ask me if i want to stay on the hospital i sad ok i was feeling really bad .so i told i was goin to a normal room but no they put me on a mental behavior floor when i got there i sad can i go back they sad no only in 2 day i had no tv no cell phone nothing like a jail people was look what i was doing all the time counlt even used the restroom in peace ok i talk to the doctor and she made me stay there for 5 day if i wanted i could leave but she was like u going to get wrost just 3 more days then i was like ok then then she put me on 20 mg prozac . ok the the day came i was back home i did had a appointment with tese doctor that the hospital found for me i went to see him him put me on lorazepam 0.5 mg 3 times a day and after a month he put me on 30 mg prozac ok i feel better but i still feel bad like i cant relax i start to watch tv i start to get nausea same when playing video game and when i lay down to sleep i keep moving my feet i can stop if i want but i forget and start doing and my mom sad i move my feet when im sleeping and im having a lot of memory fog i really would like to know if any 1 know something i can do i have baing on a lot of doctors nothing i would like to get back driving and find a girl friend but i feel like shit i cant learn how to read and write good so sorry for my bad gramma if any 1 know any tip on how to improving my gramma will really , they told me reading a lots of books was good but i cant concentrates or stand still then i will just give up thanks a lot cya later