View Full Version : Thank you

02-21-2013, 10:14 PM
I would like to thank everyone in this forum, it has been amazing for me to find people who understand what I am feeling . My day started good then got rushed and my anxiety went crazy and some offered some amazing ideas and it helped me get through a 9 hour shift alone. No one else gets it and how much fear is involved with the anxiety and panic attacks. I am greatfull for each and every one of you. Stay positive and strong and we will all find a way to to over come these horrible fears of our. Wishing everyone a peaceful and anxiety free night

02-21-2013, 10:32 PM
Your welcome and thank you too!

02-22-2013, 04:59 AM
Glad the forum helped! Alankay

02-22-2013, 05:39 AM
I'm glad to of found this forum as well, there are some great people here, and you are right Weary, its nice to find people who really do understand the ups and downs of anxiety and panic disorder. Glad you made it through your shift without issue, I am determined to make it a good Friday, I'm not going to let anxiety ruin it. I have a kickboxing exam in the morning, so I am going to just relax today and take it easy. Hope you have a great day!!!!

02-22-2013, 05:30 PM
Weary, I have followed your struggles and efforts on our forum. I know what you are up against and I know you have limited options on getting outside help right now. I am lucky, I have access to a lot of help through insurance. At the same time I seek out and read everything I can on our condition. Lately - I have been reading about the effect of Vitamin D deficiencies and anxiety. I have very low Vitamin D levels which I am taking gobs of supplements for. Anyway, I want you to know you are a strong, brave person. I have been inspired by so many of your words. So, thank you. Don