View Full Version : Should I go back to my doctor?

02-21-2013, 08:12 PM
I was diagnosed with anxiety by my physician a few months ago. I went in complaining of physical symptoms like chest pain, out of breath, rapid heart beat and trouble sleeping. She asked me a few questions about my levels of stress, and after a long talk, she put me on citalopram. Originally I was on 20 mg, but I got moved up to 30 mg when I said that it wasn't working as well as I'd like. That level worked very well for a few weeks, but now I'm concerned. I've been feeling even more tired than usual, I can't get to sleep or stay asleep, my anxiety levels have shot up, I've had more panic attempts (thankfully not TOO strong, but high enough that it gets in the way of life) than I've ever had before, and I just overall feel my anxiety is AWFUL right now. But I've been in a while ago complaining about my symptoms and she just told me that it was my anxiety and I couldn't do anything about it. I don't want to go back in and have her just say there's nothing to do about it, but I feel like it's getting out of hand. So should I go back and tell her that I think I need a different form of treatment, or should I just keep going as I am?

02-21-2013, 08:45 PM
I was diagnosed with anxiety by my physician a few months ago. I went in complaining of physical symptoms like chest pain, out of breath, rapid heart beat and trouble sleeping. She asked me a few questions about my levels of stress, and after a long talk, she put me on citalopram. Originally I was on 20 mg, but I got moved up to 30 mg when I said that it wasn't working as well as I'd like. That level worked very well for a few weeks, but now I'm concerned. I've been feeling even more tired than usual, I can't get to sleep or stay asleep, my anxiety levels have shot up, I've had more panic attempts (thankfully not TOO strong, but high enough that it gets in the way of life) than I've ever had before, and I just overall feel my anxiety is AWFUL right now. But I've been in a while ago complaining about my symptoms and she just told me that it was my anxiety and I couldn't do anything about it. I don't want to go back in and have her just say there's nothing to do about it, but I feel like it's getting out of hand. So should I go back and tell her that I think I need a different form of treatment, or should I just keep going as I am?

Have you seen a psychiatrist ? If not maybe you should, they can prescribe different meds for you than most physicians will. If you feel you need a different treatment, don't be afraid to stand up and tell the dr just that! You need to be an advocate for yourself! Too many drs just dismiss anxiety, because they have no idea how bad it can get and how when you are the one having it ... It can be crippling! Good Luck!

02-21-2013, 08:49 PM
I haven't seen a psychiatrist. I probably should. I live in a tiny town and there aren't really many here, though. When I go off to college in the fall, I hope to find someone. And thanks for the luck!

02-21-2013, 08:58 PM
I haven't seen a psychiatrist. I probably should. I live in a tiny town and there aren't really many here, though. When I go off to college in the fall, I hope to find someone. And thanks for the luck!

Well here is the thing ... Sometimes it takes a few months to get into see one .. I would suggest looking now and making an appointment. Even if you have to drive to the next town. ;)

02-24-2013, 12:33 AM
I know most doctors will refer you to a psychologist. They will also set up the appointment for you. It's probably better if you went in to see her and explained to her your current treatment isn't working, can she recommend a psychologist. And then go from there.

02-24-2013, 12:44 AM
i would for me citalopram raised my anxiety levels

02-24-2013, 10:17 AM
Oh, yes, see a psychiatrist. Dawny is exactly correct with that. Psycholgists don't prescribe medications though they can do very good therapy. As Dawny pointed out, psychiatrists have a deep understanding of anxiety and all of the ways if affects your life. A psychiatrist wil work with you to fine-tune medications and will walk you through any side effects (which are not dangerous, just annoying, and many people have no side effects of meds at all). Most side effects happen only for a little while after you start a new med so go ahead and relax about that. You can call around and see what psychitrists are taking new patients. That's a good start. Good luck. Stay in touch. Everyone here understands.