View Full Version : Hate the racing feeling

02-21-2013, 12:01 PM
Today I stepped out of comfort zone and took a shower while no one was home which I hate doing because I always feel like I will pass out ... But I did it been on the go since 845 am story time with my daughter shopping for food for charity event at work tomorrow came home made homemade cream cheese potato soup and got called into work early .... Now my anxiety has spiked because I will be alone at work from 3-10 pm so I am freaking out and can't get it under control ...... Uggggg

02-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Glad to hear you took a leap. One thing I love doing is stepping outside my comfort zone and surviving it. It's such a feeling of accomplishment. Focus on your win today and hope you feel better. If you're alone you can always get online and chat in a chatroom. I play Xbox live and there's always someone to talk to on there. Plus it refocuses my brain to the video game. Do something mentally challenging like a puzzle or an online game. Something interesting that Keeps your focus. If I can get past my number 1 trigger today ( with a little help from Ativan ) and come out ok then you can too. My doc told me I shouldn't worry of course and even told me that at 38 and physically healthy that I'm still pretty much invincible, which helped me a lot. He explained how racing pulse is harmless with anxiety and temp spikes in BP are no big deal. Really put my mind at ease. So remember you're gonna be ok and they can't hurt u. Hope you feel better.

02-21-2013, 09:13 PM
Thank you Jamus75 :) this has been my best decision yet to join this forum for support . While it is hard to get online at work I was able to refocus after reading your reply . I redesigned 8 cases of jewelry had some amazing sales which put me 598% over my daily goal for the day and I was able to reorganize 3 drawers of back stock items. Thank you so much for your help. It means so much to me

02-21-2013, 10:05 PM
My pleasure. That's great. I too am happy for this forum as your words have also helped me and others too. Nice to know people on here care and offer real advice instead of the classic " don't worry about it " like that helps don't it. Lol. Take care

02-21-2013, 10:07 PM
I hate the "Dont worry about "it bc 10 times outta 10 I'm going to. It's like saying dont think of blue elephants ..yep you just did and so did I! Lol

02-21-2013, 10:21 PM
Smoore- I know exactly how that goes my husband does not get it but I think today he finally did when I read to him what I posted and what Jamus75 replied with. He looked at me and was like this is the most relaxed I have seen you in a long time. My reply I finally found others who suffer like me and sometimes we just all need a little support and we who suffer together can support together. I think after 8 years he finally gets that he needs to be more supportive :) thanks to this forum

02-21-2013, 10:29 PM
It helps to know that you just aren't crazy sometimes. Lol. I'm new to this forum and it has helped already. You never feel alone :)

02-21-2013, 10:31 PM
Weary that's great news. Glad your husband understood and is helping you. Best decision I made was to let my wife in on my secret. I kept it from everyone for so long and nobody ever had a clue. I was truly alone with it. Didn't want to feel weak and look weak. It's almost shameful to have. I'm glad I told her though because now if I get panicky ill call her or tell her and she will talk to me and get my mind off of it. Anyways, sounds like you had a good day and now to do it all over again tomorrow. One day at a time.

02-21-2013, 11:34 PM
Was I'm the doctor today was 105 but my Bp was 110/80 and 110/60 triply they put me on celexa and ativan prn lil worried bout it cause of my fatty liver and said med for gerd does no interact well wit celexa

02-21-2013, 11:36 PM
A long road to go still have some labs to rule out hep a,b,c and dibeties also thyroid problems gotta go on tue morning to get labs done doc dont think i need to see a Cardiolgist bit after hepatic panels are compleat will prob be referred to a GI doctor