View Full Version : New here!

02-21-2013, 11:13 AM
Hi everyone, so glad I found this, been having chest pains, tingling left arm, weak legs and a feeling like someone I squeezing my heart since the middle of December, still waiting for more tests at the hospital but after reading your posts I'm almost sure it's anxiety, even though I thought it could never happen to me as I like to think I'm pretty laid back, maybe that's why? I don't vent all my problems and worries, instead I bottle them up! I work night shifts which gives me a lot of thinking time to mull thing over during the night, that's when it's at it worst, been to a + e 3 times so far but chest x ray, ECG and bloods came back normal! Never thought the mind could be this powerful! Anyway, nice to meet you all, reading your posts has helped me already.

02-21-2013, 12:50 PM
Hey man welcome,I always feel like something is squeezing my heart too idk what it is , or the stabbing pain , maybe you need some sleep or vacations pulling up at night is hard , try meditation .

02-21-2013, 01:06 PM
Thanks mate! Trying to ride it out but it's hard, might start yoga, failing that maybe a relaxing holiday in the sun will do the trick.

02-21-2013, 05:11 PM
I know what you mean about not feeling like it could happen to you. I'm laid back too. Takes a lot to get me stressed etc. But this keeps coming back.
I'm starting to feel better recently, slowly but surely.
Once your results are back, speak to a doctor about anxiety & see if they can get you some meds & counselling. They help a lot.
I've had anxiety for nearly 5 years, but it started getting debilitating again around November last year & that made me want to get better & determined to do so. One thing to remember is that it can't hurt you. They symptoms are uncomfortable & scary, but they've happened before & you're still fine now :) if they happen again, you'll be fine again too.
Hope you can get some more help & advice here!

02-21-2013, 05:48 PM
Hi Brennan, thanks for your feedback and advice :) will take that on board. And I'm glad you're feeling better. These things are sent to test us I guess, I'm now trying to see it as a game that I must play and win if that makes any sense!