View Full Version : How do you deal with your symptims ??

02-21-2013, 11:06 AM
My anxiety comes in waves u can be ok for a couple of days then 1palpitation and that's it I feel tense nervous constantly waiting for the next one they scare me to death just wondered how you all dealt with yours do you have palps like I do it is there something wrong I wake up through the night wondering if i am going to have them I also get weak and shaky sometimes light headed not all symptoms happen at the same time ... Having a pretty anxious day today my body is all tense x

02-22-2013, 12:42 AM
I've been lucky enough to find the right medication, which gets rid of most problems, but when I do start feeling anxiety and waves of depression I try to wait it out and occupy myself. If it comes to the point where I start shaking involuntarily from anxiety then I'll take a klonopin

02-22-2013, 05:21 AM
I am experiencing that same thing. I was doing better and then palpatations started and it set me off again. Went to see my dr. and she did an EKG and bloodwork which were all fine. Started me on Klonopin as needed and I started to feel better again. Now last night I got the palps again and I am not doing so good. I do have a cold so maybe that set me off. But I hate this! The symptoms are so hard to deal with and make it worse.