View Full Version : Tachycardia?

06-21-2007, 07:06 PM
Hello everybody,
I'm new to this forum but not new to anxiety ;-) when I was a kid I used to pull my hair, growing up I used to deal with stress by having problems with my stomach, nausea and such...But nothing I ever really worried about, I've always have friends, been social, great grades, happy...
Last year, out of nowhere, I had my first panick attack, I was sitting with my sis and my grandaunt and I had a weird feeling in my chest, my heart started pounding like crazy, I was shaking and so on and so forth. They called an emergency doctor and after taking my oxygen level, and everything else, he basically told: anxiety...
I had an hard time believing him, though I realized he had to be true.
More recently, at a doc's appointment, while the nurse was taking my blood pressure, my heart started racing (up to 142 according to the monitor) and my blood pressure was really high. I did not panick, so it was "just" the heart. I went to a cardiologist who did plenty of test and did not find anything. It happened again 3/4 times where my heart, out of the blue, just starts racing, I usually calm myself down in less than 5 minutes.
However, being an cybercondriac as well, I keep on googling and realize I am in the process of persuading myself that I have to have a heart problem or that I could die from my tachycardia (today it seemed more like coming from the middle of my upperbody...)
I was just wondering if anybody "just" experiences tachycardia without any other symptoms...
Thank you !

06-22-2007, 08:35 AM
anybody experiences tachycardia without other symptoms?

06-22-2007, 11:04 AM
Hi, funny nobody replied yet.
If the cardiologist told you you have no heart condition, then for what concerns you, you have no heart condition.

Tachicardia out of the blue can sure be a psychosomatic symptom a "nervous" person (not a nervous wreck, but a underlying "nervous" person like supposedly you and me), and therefore of no medical relevance.

Read the book "Self Help For Your Nerves" by Claire Weekes. It tells a lot about this kind of symptoms.
Of course, ad an anxious person you'll still google stuff and worry or think you have an illness, just find a more interesting occupation to be busy with.