View Full Version : Long lasting Lightheadedness, Tight Muscles - All Anxiety?

06-21-2007, 03:56 PM
Hi Everyone,

Let me give my quick story - I'm a 23y old male, in good shape, no medical history, went in last November for my first ever anxiety attack (yeah!), ended up visiting the doctor a few times after that for a physical and 2 EKGs, and and ECG (treadmill test). Heart was fine and no thyroid issues, nothing in the bloodwork. There's my history.

I have been through a rollercoaster if symptoms since then. Here we go - Heart palpitations, numbness (all over), stiff neck muscles, muscle pain, fatigue, digestive problems, tight throat, jaw pain, messed up vision (once), and joint pain. Speaking of joint pain (which comes and goes), my joints crack all the time now. I mean I can crack every joint I can think of, ankles, knees, foot, hands, elbows, shoulders, and back. That's kind of odd to me. I've wrestled with depression during this time as well, and that could be the casue of joint pain I suppose. I have periods where I am lightheaded for a couple of weeks, usually when I walk around I notice it the most drastically.

I guess the last thing to mention would be my hands always have a fine shake now. Not when using my hand, but if I just hold my hand out straight, my fingers shake and very fine twitching. I see it mildly in my toes as well. Sometimes if If particularly stress my whole body has a fine shake. Fun, fun, oh and I have the usually fears of have a terrible degenerative disease, and dying (almost forgot to mention that).

I'm learning to cope with it all (no drugs), but anyone feeling the same way? I guess it helps me to fear less when I hear others feel the same and are medically ok (no major illness). Thank you for your comments in advance.

06-21-2007, 05:32 PM
Hi gettingBetter, I'm new here and this is my first post. Nice to meet you :) I like what you've written, I think you're a good writer! Anyways,
I too get lightheadedness, it doesn't last weeks but it can definitely last a couple of days. I wonder if sometimes there are other factors involved such as hydration, outside temperature, what types of foods you've eaten and that kind of thing.

I feel pretty lightheaded right and my vision is sort of blurred, but part of it might be because I didn't get a complete night's sleep, had lots of tea at lunchtime instead of water (too shy to ask! haha) and that it's really hot outside today and I'm wearing long jeans. I get dehydrated super easily and so I have to drink tons and tons of water, but usually by the time I'm dehydrated enough to feel sort of woozy it's going to take a day or two to get back to normal. Plus it doesn't help that black tea has quite a bit of caffeine in it...

06-22-2007, 04:36 AM
gettingBetter, did you see a neurologist?
Also you should check your ionized calcium and magnesium levels.
Lack of calcium electrolytes could give fatigue, numbness, tremors, etc.
On a routine bloodtest, only total calcium levels are taken which are usually normal. But in the neuromuscular processes, the ionized calcium is important.