View Full Version : Highway driving sufferers - help me out!

02-20-2013, 12:34 PM
Hi everyone,

I've posted on here before, but I thought I would create a thread specifically for those of us who suffer with driving anxiety, especially while on the highway. I have been to a CBT psychologist 6 times now, and still have yet to see improvement. He is helping me with some exposure techniques to simulate the symptoms I face while on the highway (i.e. face going numb, disorientation/loss of focus, extreme lightheadedness/feeling like fainting). I used to experience a choking sensation where I felt I wasnt getting enough oxygen, but that has subsided, and now it's all these new symptoms being introduced. Can anyone relate? I need some support here, before the situation becomes even more debilitating.

Thanks in advance!

02-20-2013, 12:50 PM
I was put on a driving restriction due to vertigo while driving, it was terrible, and all due to anxiety. Now I am able to drive locally, but still not on the highways, I think it has to do with how fast the car is moving, I start to get dizzy and then the panic sets in.

02-20-2013, 12:52 PM
trinidiva, does the vertigo/anxiety happen when you are the driver AND the passenger (on the highway)?

02-20-2013, 02:00 PM
To be fair i dont think you should be driving espescailly if you was to have a panic attack at the wheel your putting yourself and other in danger please dont be offended.

02-20-2013, 02:05 PM
I dont think that exposure techniques to simulate the symptoms is going to help that much .

Let me ask you what are you thinking when you are out driving ??

Well, before I get into my car, I think about the panic attack that is forthcoming. Then, once I am on the highway it is typically a build up of adrenaline that precipitates the attack. If my mind happens to be distracted by other things (rare), then it is smooth sailing for the most part. However, I am usually thinking about how I will cope with the panic before it happens. I also think of ways to calm myself, so I begin to practise diaphragmatic breathing. Once the build-up occurs, I usually turn off the radio, open a window, turn down the heat, and whatever else I can so that I can relax. This helps for a brief moment, but the panic usually takes over to the point where I have to immediately exit the highway or pull over to the shoulder (if im lucky enough to be beside one). Sometimes simply changing lanes to exit is a nightmare because when I turn my head I become so disoriented and dizzy that I cannot make a safe lane change.

In response to josh's comment: They say the worst thing you can do is avoid the situation, because that will only fuel the panic disorder and you will never conquer it. I've thought about ending highway driving to save myself and others (should an accident occur), but is that really the right answer??

02-20-2013, 02:12 PM
In my opinion yeah it is untill your completly on top of things i know full well thats easyier said than done i know that where are your from america ? I know driving on the motorway is quite anxious as it goes anyway due to alot of acidents and what not this is just mu opinion though mate, this would be what i would do i am able to drive in fact driving actualy relaxs me witch i feel fortunate about

02-20-2013, 03:08 PM
trinidiva, does the vertigo/anxiety happen when you are the driver AND the passenger (on the highway)?

Both while driving and as a passenger. It was worse when I was actually driving though, because of course I couldn't look away and close my eyes as I would when I was a passenger. It got progressively worse to the point where even local rides were becoming difficult. After many years, meds, meditation, therapy, etc, I can feel comfortable enough to drive the local roads, and make it through short trips on the highway. I still don't feel like I'm ready to do the highway driving myself though. I've tried to get on, go down the highway for one exit, then I will start to panic...and usually exit...I'm still trying though.

02-20-2013, 07:41 PM
I avoid highways! I will not drive on them at all. I don't mind being a passenger.. My fear is not being able to get off if I have an attack and if I get off a random exit I will get lost! I hate that I am so afraid of it.

02-20-2013, 09:19 PM
I suffer horribly on the freeway like cant get on freeway at all ....I stopped driving the freeway I find back ways to get anywhere although I was in a bad accident in 2011 and have barely driven because I am terrified. I had my daughter on the car with me when the accident accord and she was almost 3 yrs old so when I do drive she feeds off my panic attacks and I normally deal with night terrors with her so it has made for a very rough time but I have tried lately to get on the freeway( highway) and will drive to the next exit and get off and come back home and then I will try for 2 exits starting slow is the best way to start to over come the fear

02-21-2013, 12:23 AM
I agree with weary. All of my mental health issues stem from PTSD related to a car accident and anxiety attacks whilst driving were one of the hardest things to overcome.

With exposure therapy, it's best to start slowly. I had to start by literally just sitting in my car for half an hour - at this stage I could barely get into a car whether I was driving or not. I then progressed to driving short distances.

This was at its worst about 4 years ago when I was first diagnosed with panic disorder. I can drive well now. But if I'm really apprehensive, I will pop a half a Valium.

I also find a bit of distraction helps. I play counting games and count colours of cars or even things on the landscape. You can and will get through this, just persist. Don't let the anxiety stop you!!

02-25-2013, 10:49 AM
Its going to build up until you do it again and again with different thinking .

I think you will find that driving is not the problem . I am sure that you have driven in the past and had no problem . You will find that the problems is that you are scared something is going to happen while you are away from your comfort zone . Get a book called Hope and help for your nerves by Dr Weekes and this explains this well . Its called fear of fear .

The problem is now you are conniving yourself that something is going to happen . Yes it does but only because your brain is reacting to your fearful thoughts .

You must drive and often to over come it but you also must tell yourself i have done this many times and had no problems and i can do it again . You have also done it with problems but the thing is you always come out the other side fine.

Face your fear , change your thoughts and you will get though it .

Thanks to everyone for responding. It looks like it will take time to overcome this problem. I will try the exiting and re-entering highway technique and see how it goes. I am also purchasing the Hope and Help for your nerves book. Thanks again.