View Full Version : zoloft

06-21-2007, 09:12 AM
I have been battling anxiety my entire life [46, female, 2 kids], although I didn't start taking medication for it until maybe a year ago. I started on Paxil, or rather the generic form of Paxil. It helped me tremendously!

But I put on 25 pounds.

So I recently switched to Zoloft. It does not seem as effective, and I think the sexual side effects are worse. But if my weight gain stablizes, I will be happy.

I recently read on a different forum [actually a forum for depression, although I don't think that is my problem -- I think I am ADD with anxiety-- but not ADHD] that Zoloft and related medications are extremely harmful to many body functions -- and it explained why you gain weight on the drug.

I wish I didn't need any medications but I know I do to function.

Even the sexual side effects [reduced] may not be so bad right now -- although I am not sure if the Zoloft is affecting my judgment. I have been married to a man with ADHD and who is dyslexic and had a horrendous childhood. He has significant addiction issues -- although I would call him a dry drunk at this point. But he refuses to seek professional treatment for his issues -- and he even denies them or he says he is just a simple man in a complex world. He just won't deal with them.

But they affect me. Because he has been cheating on me. The first time, we separated -- he actually left. We got back together because my ADHD/dyslexic son was distraught. And so was I frankly. The second time, I kept us together because of the children, thinking I just can't handle my son, in particular, alone. But this third time was the tipping point. My mother was having cancer surgery, and she had a post-op heart attack. I needed to be at the hospital. He actually stepped up a little in the begining of the week, taking kids to school, etc. But by Wednesday, he was out with his 'girlfriend'. He has a Bill Clinton-type of need/addiction.

Anyway, I told him it was unforgivable -- because when your parent is so ill, it kind of takes over your body and soul -- and his cheating at that time just dumped even more stress on me at the worst possible time. I think he even cheated on me on my birthday.

So I've had it. I'm finally ready to make a change. I think. The Zoloft is going to get me though it -- and since the side affects will reduce my need for my husband, I think now is the time. But when it is done, I might go back to Paxil, not sure, but I would sure like a non-medicinal cure. In my dreams, right?