View Full Version : A pattern?

02-20-2013, 08:52 AM
Ok since dec my anxiety had been at its worse. What use to be periodic tiny barely even an attack episodes over my life turned to something so scary and life changing Around Xmas 2012. To the point where I now have .25 mg of Xanax I keep with me at all times and only take when needed.

I do see a pattern. I will be 35 in march. Not only has my cycle changed but I noticed my anxiety seems to exist mainly around the time Im going to get my period and during.

I should be getting mines anyway now.. And I've definitely been on edge the last few days? Is this. Coincidence? Anyone else notice this pattern themselves?

02-20-2013, 01:01 PM
Ok since dec my anxiety had been at its worse. What use to be periodic tiny barely even an attack episodes over my life turned to something so scary and life changing Around Xmas 2012. To the point where I now have .25 mg of Xanax I keep with me at all times and only take when needed.

I do see a pattern. I will be 35 in march. Not only has my cycle changed but I noticed my anxiety seems to exist mainly around the time Im going to get my period and during.

I should be getting mines anyway now.. And I've definitely been on edge the last few days? Is this. Coincidence? Anyone else notice this pattern themselves?

Welcome to peri menopause that wonderful time before your periods stop. It can be a rollercoaster ride of hell ... Talk to your doctor about taking a low dose of Ativan or Valium or Xanax for a few days before you are supposed to get your period it may help. Have your TSH levels checked. Don't worry all of us women get to go thru this!

02-20-2013, 06:36 PM
I get it 2 weeks before and during. I also get insomnia

02-20-2013, 06:40 PM
I get it 2 weeks before and during. I also get insomnia

Have you gotten the night sweats yet, those are fun... Think back to how moody and crazy you felt going thru puberty ..yep that's what it feels like! It's terrible!

02-20-2013, 08:10 PM
Are u guys sure?? I will only be 35 in march!

02-20-2013, 08:23 PM
Are u guys sure?? I will only be 35 in march!
On average Perimenopause can last 4 or more years! I started about 34 and I am now 45 and have not had a period for a year now so I have officially gone thru menopause

02-21-2013, 07:09 AM
Really? I'm 36, and I've been having changes in my monthly cycle as well......heavier, more prolonged period, increased anxiety a few days before and first day or two of my period, definitely more pms-lik

02-21-2013, 07:10 AM
Sorry, I didn't finish my last post

Definitely more pms like symptoms...crabbiness, ultra sensitive,etc...which I never used to get before.

02-21-2013, 09:34 AM
Yes pero men start at age 35 and yes I get them every night. Until now I have to change at night sometimes 4 times soaked