View Full Version : Klonopin problems?!!!!!
02-20-2013, 05:05 AM
Post was deleted.
02-20-2013, 07:58 AM
What!!!???? , that's crazy and scary that's why I don't take meds .
02-20-2013, 09:38 AM
That's probably not something that people taking meds need to hear. If you suffer from anxiety then you should understand that someone is going to read this and become very scared. I am one of them, so thank you so much for your free dose of negativity and hysteria! Be mindful of what you post!
02-20-2013, 10:00 AM
I guess sorry, I didn't mean to say it in a bad way , she even said that was crazy ,I was just saying and this a free website where you give your opinions and I am scare of meds so that's why I said that .
02-20-2013, 10:13 AM
I guess sorry, I didn't mean to say it in a bad way , she even said that was crazy ,I was just saying and this a free website where you give your opinions and I am scare of meds so that's why I said that .
I wasn't talking about you, I was talking to the one who wrote the original post.
02-20-2013, 10:17 AM
Ohhh I sorry anyways
02-20-2013, 10:19 AM
Ohhh I sorry anyways
Lol :) no biggie
02-20-2013, 10:29 AM
:-) ok good .
02-20-2013, 11:10 AM
What these people were experiencing were most likely not symptoms of klonapin use but withdrawal symptoms. Klonapin is one of the drugs you can't just suddenly stop taking. You can safely come off of them with various methods under a doctors supervision but you should never just go cold turkey. It also depends on the klonapin dosage and frequency of use along with any other drugs you are taking.
02-20-2013, 11:58 AM
What these people were experiencing were most likely not symptoms of klonapin use but withdrawal symptoms. Klonapin is one of the drugs you can't just suddenly stop taking. You can safely come off of them with various methods under a doctors supervision but you should never just go cold turkey. It also depends on the klonapin dosage and frequency of use along with any other drugs you are taking.
Yeah i agree! It was when they wore off that the anger issues showed. & i dont believe either of them have anxiety so that could be another problem there.
02-20-2013, 12:10 PM
Ok let'sstop.arguing ,let' each.other :-)
02-20-2013, 12:26 PM
Ok let'sstop.arguing ,let' each.other :-)
I was telling a story thats really affected my life but i guess im giving out free doses of negativity. So i just deleted the post instead of arguing. Its freedom of speech, she didnt have to read it. So i'd just rather not argue & deal with it.
I didnt mean to scare anyone.
02-20-2013, 01:41 PM
Lol is all good ,we here for the same reasons , is just that everyone has different opinions , n stuff but let's keep asking questions.
02-20-2013, 01:50 PM
I'm not trying to be a bitch. I was just prescribed klonopins after years of refusing anything at all. I realized I need something and that's what the doc gave me. I am scared to death of meds and I finally accept them and see a story like yours and it freaked me out. Your right, I shouldn't have read it considering the title. this is an issue in your life that's obviously bothering you and i apologize for ignoring that. I hope everything works out for you and your ex.
02-20-2013, 04:46 PM
I'm not trying to be a bitch. I was just prescribed klonopins after years of refusing anything at all. I realized I need something and that's what the doc gave me. I am scared to death of meds and I finally accept them and see a story like yours and it freaked me out. Your right, I shouldn't have read it considering the title. this is an issue in your life that's obviously bothering you and i apologize for ignoring that. I hope everything works out for you and your ex.
Its alright. I understand where you're coming from, & if you're on the medication that makes it even more scary, but nothing like that would happen if you're taking the right dose. Come to find out the one that had the cops called on him took 12 of the pills at once, of course thats going to make you go crazy. Hes an idiot.
02-21-2013, 03:21 PM
I have a clonopan for over 10 yrs now and have only taken when I really needed it. I have never got addicted to it either in the 10 yrs I have been on it. I can take them for a few days or weeks and then just stop them and have no side affects from them. It's all in how you take them. If you take more than you are prescribed then maybe you can get use to that much and need more. I have never had a problem. So for some to say they are a terrible drug, I don't agree. They are great when use the right way.
02-22-2013, 09:55 PM
I took Klonopin for over 10 years also. All it did was remove symptoms, let me function when otherwise I would want to stay in bed and basically get through the rough patches. It saved me from some very bad days.
As far as freedom of speech on this site; no, you should be careful and respect that what you say, to a group like this could have dire consequences. Carefully consider your words. Hope can be dashed so easily after being fought for so strongly. Common sense is advised.
02-22-2013, 10:50 PM
Just remember this is a Support Group. Support being the key word.📌
02-24-2013, 05:46 PM
I took Klonopin for over 10 years also. All it did was remove symptoms, let me function when otherwise I would want to stay in bed and basically get through the rough patches. It saved me from some very bad days.
As far as freedom of speech on this site; no, you should be careful and respect that what you say, to a group like this could have dire consequences. Carefully consider your words. Hope can be dashed so easily after being fought for so strongly. Common sense is advised.
Well the post was deleted so you have no idea what it really said. I was telling a story of how people close to me abused these drugs & went crazy while being on them. They are fine now that they are not taking handfuls or abusing them. It ruined a lot of things in my life & i wanted to know if anyone else has been through something similar. I needed some other opinions because no one else in my life had any advice. All i did was tell about an experience that personally hurt me too & it had scared one person.
I then deleted the post. Sorry, but people dont have to read what i post, they choose to. I know how anxiety is everything scares you. But you have to break out of that & try & not let things scare you. Thats how i am getting over mine & yes its not easy, but if i want help & opinions i should have the right to freedom of speech. Just because my story isnt rainbows & butterflies should not mean i have to keep it to myself.
02-24-2013, 05:48 PM
Just remember this is a Support Group. Support being the key word.ddccc
Exactly. If this is a support group, i needed support on something that happened in my life due to these pills. I didnt say anything rude to anyone, i told a story.
02-24-2013, 07:16 PM
Nobody expects Rainbows and Butterflys. Breaking out of what scares you/us is a process and if you are able to get over yours by just not letting them scare you then you are blessed. For others, healing take a more complex route. I hear what you are saying and understand you wanted opinions on a difficult event relating to Klonopin, but think about a person who may have just been prescribed that med and needs to believe it came give them relief after long suffering. No med can overcome a lack of confidence/fear that could come from reading a scary review. Sorry, truly, if I am preachy. I tend to be overly sensitive to everyone suffering from this damn affliction. Forgive me.
02-25-2013, 01:41 AM
I have a clonopan for over 10 yrs now and have only taken when I really needed it. I have never got addicted to it either
I had the same effect with clonozopam... Never got addicted to it, but Xanax just made me crave more. Wonder why that is...
02-25-2013, 03:17 AM
Good for you to report about this. I was addicted to Klonopins once. One of the most addictive substances known to man. Withdrawal some people claim is as bad or worse than heroine. Long term use can result in severe and horrible withdrawal for months! Yet, doctors hand Benzos out like its candy. You can hide your head in the sand and pretend these problems don't exist or you can face the truth. Of course if you take it a few times or once in a while it's no big deal. But doctors that give these out like to be used as if popping a breathe mint is completely unethical. Many people take these 1-2 times a day for years. It only took me about 8 weeks until I started getting withdrawal symptoms if I didn't take them.
Benzos should only be taken as something to take to help one function while at the same time working on REALLY healing themselves naturally with the goal to get off the Benzos as soon as possible.
02-25-2013, 03:21 AM
Why do so many ppl on here argue and put others down regarding there posts?? I thought this forum was to support each other and not to judge others......guess I was very wrong hmmmmmmm??????
02-25-2013, 04:31 AM
Exactly. If this is a support group, i needed support on something that happened in my life due to these pills. I didnt say anything rude to anyone, i told a story.
Im sorry you were given such a hard time when you were in need. Ill always listen and help anyway i can if you're down to do the same for me. I just really need to build a good support system.
02-25-2013, 04:39 AM
Nobody expects Rainbows and Butterflys. Breaking out of what scares you/us is a process and if you are able to get over yours by just not letting them scare you then you are blessed. For others, healing take a more complex route. I hear what you are saying and understand you wanted opinions on a difficult event relating to Klonopin, but think about a person who may have just been prescribed that med and needs to believe it came give them relief after long suffering. No med can overcome a lack of confidence/fear that could come from reading a scary review. Sorry, truly, if I am preachy. I tend to be overly sensitive to everyone suffering from this damn affliction. Forgive me.
I know when i go online for advice or reviews on a medicine or any symptoms i have that i need to be cautious. These days any symptom pretty much comes back to a life threatening illness online before it comes to a common cold. You have to remind yourself how unlikely it is. Im always thinking about probability, and when i do scare myself into thinking i have a life threatening disease i ask myself, why me? What makes me think I'm so special? And that makes me feel a little vain which i can then laugh off. Everyone knows by now that we are all different and drugs will effect everyone differently too. As far as the addiction goes, its my only fear when it comes to klonopin. If you didn't know it was a controlled substance than your doctors not doing their job. Mine informed me the first time she prescribed it. Which made me cautious about how often i use it. I take it on an as needed basis for when i start to panic and cant calm down. Especially if that happens at work.
02-25-2013, 04:57 AM
I guess some folks know best for all. Even moreso than docs with all the training they need. Luck us. Alankay
02-25-2013, 01:46 PM
I guess some folks know best for all. Even moreso than docs with all the training they need. Luck us. Alankay
Yes you still live in the Doctor is God era. All the training he needs? Tell me how much training a doctor received in treating anxiety and panic. Tell me how they are able to cure it.
Here take this SSRI and Benzo. WOW! What a complex and sophisticated way to treat anxiety. I guess I would need a Doctorate to know how to do that.
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