View Full Version : Anxiety came and hasnt left for 3 years

06-21-2007, 07:39 AM
Here my situation. 3 years ago, I had a major change in life. 2004. I lost a good freing to his new wife. I had a new son, and a i get promoted to Supervisor. I started to get Anxiety attacks but i didnt know what they were at the time. I still have some anxiety issues. i am currently getting them now. i have another baby on the way in a few days. Anyody have these problems? i take 2 mg of Xanax as needed but my stomache is in knots.

06-22-2007, 04:53 AM
did you see a therapist?
are you still anxious after taking xanax?
also, you should try some plants tea for stomach, they can be very calming and helpful.

06-22-2007, 11:04 AM
I didnt see a therapist yet. I'd like to. I just have to get around to it.

I would like to know why it all started and what the triggers are.

Basically it just hits me and i start coming down. The Xanax does work very well. But to describe how severe my anxiety is, I fill a prescription of 30 2mg tablets and consume them in about 12 months. Sometimes i take a half and sometimes and i take a full pill. Its not everyday that i am this way. My honest opinion of this is I think that i am so happy with the status quo that i dont want it to change. I have a great job making great money for only a high school education, great wife, healthy son, great house, cars, a boat. Everything is the best it ever has been in my life and getting better. The FEAR is that if things change i may lose it all. I think this is where my anxiety is triggered from.

What king of teas do you recommend? I tried Chamomile but boy does that make me sleepy at work.

06-23-2007, 05:28 AM
I would recommend "Hipericum Perforatum" it should calm your stomach. There are many but I don't know how to recommend you since they are known by different name in your country and I don't know the official name.

It seems like your anxiety is because you are afraid at some point things won't go almost perfect as they go now. And sooner or later this WILL happen, so you should not get anxious, you should just learn to live with both bad and good things. Once you accept this idea the fear should go away. Also beware not to consider yourself superior, no matter what you own or accomplished you are just a human like everybody else. It may feel good to consider yourself better when things are going well, but whenever something bad will happen, the anxiety will hit you harder.

Beware of this: "the things you own will end up owning you" ;)

06-24-2007, 07:05 AM
I would recommend "Hipericum Perforatum" it should calm your stomach. There are many but I don't know how to recommend you since they are known by different name in your country and I don't know the official name.

Hypericium Perforatum (better known as St John's Wort) is a kind of natural SSRI (although it also blocks the reuptake or norepinephrine and dopamine). As such, it can also help with anxiety and depression as a whole. Just keep in mind that, although it is natural, it is by no means free of side effects. Some side effects are actually somewhat similar to those caused by pharmaceutical SSRIs, although they tend to be less frequent and less intense. Also, St John's Wort seems to be free of the nasty withdrawal reactions that have REALLY soiled the reputation of SSRIs and SSRI-type drugs (ie SNRIs, etc) in recent years. So St John's Wort might be a good idea for both anxiety and stomach upset. Just beware that it is not perfect.

06-24-2007, 01:28 PM
Im not saying i am better than anyone. its just that life is really good right now and my anxiety isnt even present at this moment but popps up and i cant control it sometimes. i just need to figure out why.

in regards to therapists, whats it like going to a therapist for the first time?

06-24-2007, 05:25 PM
There is really nothing that out of the ordinary about seeing a therapist. You just tell them about what is troubling you, and they (hopefully) tell you steps to take in order to deal with your problems. That's about it. In fact, the HARDEST part about seeing a therapist (besides the bill) is finding a good one.

06-26-2007, 09:46 PM
Well the bill is something but after a couple hundred dollars, i go to 80/20. Does anybody have any idea why it would just hit me like this?