View Full Version : A couple rough days

02-19-2013, 08:13 PM
The journey to better-land does not seem to be a straight path. That last two days the sun went away and my mood dropped. I couldn't ride my bike and so it was basically work on my computer all day doing what I do to earn a living.

Anyway, I saw my therapist yesterday and have decided to keep her. She seems to "get it". I have not been in therapy for 18 years but due to my recent bump in the road I am back; covering similar gound looking for new answers. As I sit here tonight I am anxiety free which is a blessing but I have no illusions, I am battling a recurrance of something I thought I beat many years ago.

Reching out for some positive vibes from the community.

02-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Recurrence is normal because in general there's something in us that makes us prone to anxiety. It wasn't until about a year ago I realized I had symptoms of anxiety all of my life, but never impacting me until my tour in Afghanistan.

Good news: your anxiety was under control for quite some time and you can get there again.

Hang in there bro,

02-19-2013, 09:14 PM
Hang in there bajablue you have been an amazing support for so many on this forum and a big help to me while I know we will have this for the rest of our lives I now have faith that there could be a brief break in the cycle to where we can live our old normal lives.

Positive thoughts you did it before I have full belief that you can do it again believe in yourself and remember the times when you didn't feel this way.

Stay positive my new friend

02-19-2013, 09:38 PM
Thank you so much for stopping and offering your support. Appreciate it immensely.

02-19-2013, 09:42 PM
You are amazing an every welcome I am grateful that I joined this forum and you posted to one of my threads thank you for your all the support you have given to me and so many others