View Full Version : Seeing things?

02-19-2013, 06:32 PM
Anyone who ever reads any if my posts knows my ginormous fear or going insane...so it's no surprise that this is bothering me. So sometimes I will see thing out the corner of my eyes...I know there nothing there but I double check anyways. Then there are times when I am sitting in the kitchen and out the corner of my eye the area off to the side looks like a figure is standing there. I am fully aware no one is there but I keep thinking "hey that looks like a human figure" it's weird. It freaks me out and just adds to my anxiety, obviously.

02-19-2013, 06:38 PM
Anyone who ever reads any if my posts knows my ginormous fear or going insane...so it's no surprise that this is bothering me. So sometimes I will see thing out the corner of my eyes...I know there nothing there but I double check anyways. Then there are times when I am sitting in the kitchen and out the corner of my eye the area off to the side looks like a figure is standing there. I am fully aware no one is there but I keep thinking "hey that looks like a human figure" it's weird. It freaks me out and just adds to my anxiety, obviously.

Happens to me ALL the time!! I always see things out of the corner of my eye......I've just started to ignore it.Trust me, you aren't going insane....people who are truly going crazy have no idea that things aren't right.

02-19-2013, 08:30 PM
When I'm anxious I always think I'm seeing things too!! Glad to know I'm not the only one😄

02-19-2013, 09:18 PM
I feel like too most of the time but when I think I am seeing things or the " human figure" I really am ... This happened last week when they upped my dosage I swore I saw my grandma who passed away in 2007 just before I had my daughter. She was my best friend we shared everything including our birthdays being only 1 day apart so between my daughters b day and our b days in march I constantly feel her and see her around me and when I am having major panic and anxiety attacks she seems to always be there. So I don't think we are crazy but I think maybe a way of reassurance.

02-20-2013, 02:26 AM
Hi MellyMel your not going mad the reason you see things in this way is becuase the human brain when looking for things tries to find familiar shapes in order to recognise them. So something that is a similar shape to a person can appear to be a person until a closer look is taken. In fact because the brain works this way it is thought that when the Spanish arrived in the Americas, the natives could not see the ships until they were on shore becuase thier brains did not recognise the ships as a family pattern and so the natives only saw the see. Also another example of how this works is when people say they can see certain things in clouds. Clouds being totally random formations but our brains pick out patterns so they appear to resemble families things.

So it is totally normal and you dont have to worry about this at all, its just since your anxious you are more alert. So I wouldnt worry about it.