View Full Version : Going toilete alot

02-19-2013, 05:16 AM
Does anyone need to pee like alot when there anxious im anxious now racing thoughts flying through my head and im peeing every 5 minutes only started happening today

Brooke Crane
02-19-2013, 05:23 AM
Hi Joshhiboii,

this is a common symptom of anxiety! I have the same problem sometimes too!

02-19-2013, 05:24 AM
Only started today but are you worrying and fearing and fiaxting on it constantly? The mind is powerful, with anxiety when we fear a new symptom then the symptom occurs more regularly. But notice that past symptoms you had suddenly disappear? Fight or flgiht pumps adrenaline filled blood to chest wall msucles (hence chest pains) and limbs. it drains blood from stomach area. This can cause IBS like symptoms, nausea, needing to go to the toilet lots too.

Remove the fear and worry from anxiety, learn acceptance. Read and udnerstand anxiety and you'll overcome the symptoms. it'll take weeks, maybe months after accepting it's anxiety to fully recover. but you can get there. Symptoms are being kicked out by our bodies to show stress and worry has affected it and it needs rest. Don't add to the bodies worries by fearing the symptoms it's giving out to say it needs rest. That's the last thing your body wants :)
