View Full Version : I need help

02-19-2013, 03:52 AM
Physical Symptoms

Stomach cramps, feeling of sickness,
sharp shooting pains in chest, stomach area,
trembling, shivering
harder to breathe
heart sinking feeling
very sensitive to changes in my body, if I have a pain or I feel that I can’t breathe properly because of my sinus problems, it increases my panic.
Been intolerant to fish last few years


Twice in last few months, I have had extreme reactions; Once in work, I felt strange and had a massive heart sinking feeling, I was nervous/jittery beforehand, I went to the ground and for about one minute, my vision turned fuzzy and was close to blacking out, my heart was beating very fast and I sweated profusely, at the time I thought I was going to die, And another time I felt the same at home.

I would say I have several occurrences a week of uncontrollable panic, sometimes it’s more milder than others, I first noticed this 5 years ago, I’ve had a lot of stressful jobs in the past, which definitely contributed to my problem initially but my job at the moment isn’t that stressful, yet I still have all these problems.

I feel like it’s anxiety/panic/agoraphobia, but feel it would be beneficial to have a heart monitor and get my health checked out before medication or counselling because my father has heart problems.

Usually I get all of these problems at work, or on my way into work, it effects my sleeping, Its now at the stage where I fear having a panic attack when im in meetings or at work and it makes me have one. If I’m in a meeting, I’ll feel sweaty, jittery and will get heart sensations, I fear that I’m going to freak out or have a heart attack in the meeting.

I get extremely anxious/nervous performing presentations/attending meetings/talking to groups of people/certain social situations/Flying, certain situations seem to trigger my problems, mostly around work, although I have bought a supercar recently and the attention and stares I get from people results in me getting really anxious.

I do not like the idea of taking drugs or counselling to combat these problems, but it’s got to the stage where It’s massively effecting the quality of my life, and If I need to go to counselling or try different medications I think it would be worthwhile.

I have tried beta blockers 40mg, and they did stop some of the physical symptoms of heart sinking, sweating etc, but I didn’t like the feeling of my blood pressure being low, and the fact that im on drugs to control my heart rate, and the feeling of being close to fainting at times.

02-19-2013, 05:51 AM
A heart check is a good idea but it does sound like anxiety. Alankay