View Full Version : my eye anxiety problem

06-19-2007, 10:36 AM
Hello all, i have written on here once or twice before about my anxiety problem. There doesnt seem to be anyone else whoe experiences the same problem as i have, but the sympotons are very similar. I have this eye muscle problem, when i do work or whenever im in a stressful situation my eyes muscles contract. I can feel them tighten up, and its very hard to relax them again. When theyre tight/stessed i get the symptons of anxiety (headache/tired/hard to think etc). Im not really sure which way is the best way of resolving this problem. Ie, i dont know whether its the stress (from close work or stressful situations) that i should try and stop, or whether i need to sort out my eyes to stop the stress.. If anyone has experienced or knows of someone whos experienced a similar problem or has any suggestions or advice then that would be great, thanks alot :)

06-19-2007, 06:04 PM
Im not really sure which way is the best way of resolving this problem. Ie, i dont know whether its the stress (from close work or stressful situations) that i should try and stop, or whether i need to sort out my eyes to stop the stress.. If anyone has experienced or knows of someone whos experienced a similar problem or has any suggestions or advice

Yup.... I had the eye thing. Eye muscles all seized up and tight.. My favourite part was when I would be focussing on something, look away for a second and when I looked back my eyeballs would vibrate rapidly 7 or 8 times from side to side before refocussing again... It was bizarre!

The eyestrain isn't the cause of your stress, the stress is the cause of your eyestrain.. When I dealt with my anxiety attacks the eyestrain magically went away along with the other 30 odd symptoms that I had.

06-19-2007, 10:08 PM
I have had that problem for a couple of years. It wigs you out.