View Full Version : just want to give up tonight

02-18-2013, 11:32 PM
This is not living. Fearing death has not made me more alive but instead has already in a sence killed me. I dont know how to stop my mind , i dont know how to shut it off! Everyday theres a new fucking symptom allong with deppresion now. If it wasnt for my sons i would have already given up. I need God... How do i get him to forgive me and answer my prayers :,(

02-19-2013, 12:32 AM
I believe there is hope out there that we can reprogram our mind to be normal. This way of thinking was learned it can be unlearned. As far as God is concerned all you have to do is believe in him and pray. 😃

02-19-2013, 05:15 AM
Fear and worry fuel the anxiety. The more fear and worry leads to mroe symptoms. I've had every anxiety symptom going and then some. Check the anxiety symptoms list stickied at the top of this forum. Read it once.

Read about anxiety, try and understand it more. You have to accept it's anxiety before you can start to repair yourself. This can take time...for me it took 2 years of daily pains. I'm talking every single hour of every single day for 2 years with virtually every symptom imaginable.

Understand the anxiety, remove the fear and worry and above all accept it is anxiety. Let the symptoms come and go, don't try and "fight" it or convince yourself you'll find an overnight cure. Removing the worry and fear from when symptoms or pains come is key.

Your body is screaming out for rest. Give it what it needs, it's simply saying it's stressed out from worry and panic and needs rest. The last thing it wants you to do is to worry and panic everytime a pain comes along.

If you broke your leg you wouldnt google symptoms, spend time on forums, chat rooms, visiting countless doctors for tests to find an instant cure. You'd ACCEPT it was a broken leg and get on day today regardless of symptoms. This is the same for anxiety. Admittedly it's tougher when you have anxiety because it warps your way of thinking. you become hyper-sensitive and your fight or flight response goes absolutely nuts.

however try your hardest not to allow emotion to cloud your judgement when a symptom or pain comes. It takes a lot of pracitce, but after a while you accept it and you rationalize a pain.

Focus on deep breathing, remind yourself you're NOT in danger you ARE OK and that nothing will hurt you here. The pains will come and go for many months after reaching acceptance, however in time your body will repair and you'll be back to your old self.

You don't need meds, God or other people. This is within yoruself to cure. it takes time, there's no overnight cure. Anxiety sadly goes hand in hand with depression, both of which warp your way of thining. Makes us hyper-sensitive, irraitonal and pessimistic. But you can get over this. Practice day in day out thinking rationally. Don't respond to symptoms with panic. Don't convince yoursel fthere's some undiagnosed illness or condition.

From the first time I went to the hospital with crippling chest pains and had a panic attack in A&E entrance doctors told me it's anxiety, I needed to accept it and calm down. I thought that was the most ridiculous and idiotic advice ever. I thought "No i've got something serious, anxierty and worry can't cause me to hurt, it can't cause REAL pain".

Trust me on this it can. i've had such crippling pains before i've jsut curled up in a ball and cried. Why? Cos all the time the pains were there I worried. Running through my mind at 100 miles an hour were thoughts of death, cancer, diseases.

Detah at the forefront of your mind. You know the fight or flight response right? The bodies reaction to danger providing a surge of adrenaline to fight or fly? Now picture our anxious mindset, convinced these symptoms are diseases, convinced we're at deaths door day in day out. The fight or flight response is working overtime. It's one thing to fight or fly from a real danger like an angry dog in a room. But anxiety convinces us there's danger within our own bodies. THERE IS NONE. We're worrying over our bodies signalling that it's stressed out, it's tired, worn out. Muscles fatigued from excess adrenlaine, tension etc. Problem is, if there was an angry dog in the room and you left the room your body would realize you're safe - it'd relax and recover. With anxiety there is no rest. You constantly feel there is danger. This is why people often exercise safety behaviour. Say you have a panic attack in a shop. From then on you might associate danger with that specific shop and you'd acvoid going there to avoid having nother panic attack.

Safety behaviour is a hinderance. You could just as easily have a panic attack in your bedroom as opposed to the shop. You need to try your hardest not to let the pains interfere with the day to day. Keep yourself busy. The longer you have to yourself in these early days the more time you have to worry and panic. I know i've repeated it a lot but you need to react rationally to symptoms. Don't let the anxiety to make your emotions run overtime. Don't fixate on the negative it serves no positive conclusion.

I hope this has helped you. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Trust me i've been there and it's terrible. There were many days when I simply wanted to give up, kill myself or wish that these pains were an impending heart attack or whatever it was I feared that day so it would be over.

You will get better and you CAN overcome this. It will take time, but you;ll get there. I promise that.


02-19-2013, 09:16 PM
Ed said some profoundly true principles in overcoming anxiety...those same things helped me overcome 90% of my anxiety.

Yet, where we part ways: you do need God. Not because he'll fix you. But, because he loves you and created you.

In God, we find meaning and hope past this world.

We find truth and purpose.

Hang in there,

02-19-2013, 11:06 PM
Thank u all..... Trying to keep it together one day at a time

02-19-2013, 11:29 PM
God's forgiveness is a gift offered to all who are willing to accept it. All you need to do is admit to God that you are a sinner, we all are. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". Tell him that you believe that his son Jesus died for our sins. Tell him that you want to surrender your life to him and have him be lord of your life. Romans 10:9-10 says "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

God hears your prayers even though he doesn't answer them exactly how you want sometimes. If you put your faith in him he will come through in his time. He is teaching you something from all of this and you will be a much stronger person once this is all over. He does not want you to feel anxious about anything but to trust in him. He says in the bible "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -Philippians 4:6

He wants you to find rest in him. "Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28

Sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom until we realize that we aren't the ones in charge of our lives and we need to put it in the hands of God. That is what happened to me and I am grateful everyday for it. You will overcome this. I promise.

02-20-2013, 02:42 AM
Amen #!!!!, God is good !!!!!!

02-20-2013, 09:30 AM
This is the hard part...letting go. We need help to let go. Your healing begins the moment you stop fighting and trying to find a cure or fix yourself. If anxiety could kill us, we would already be dead. Just...let go.

02-21-2013, 04:56 AM
Read "A Life At Last" by paul Brian. It's laid out in very simple terms, a lot of repition to hammer home the key fundamentals to getting better


02-21-2013, 09:47 AM
Ed thanks for the great info. Yes I read it too that the more you fight the panic feeling the more you feel sick. They said to just feel it and tell yourself it is just anxiety.

Fear and anxiety is an evil. Not from God. When I feel really panicky I closed my eyes and ask God for strenght it helps