View Full Version : Upcoming doc appt

02-18-2013, 10:10 PM
I'm really anxious about my doc appt Thursday morning. I'm really psyching myself out. It's just a new patient appt with a new family doctor but I'm so worried about the panic attack I'm sure to have when I get there. My pulse will be racing and BP will be up. I don't like to see the concern on their face after taking my vitals. I have to explain all over again that I have panic attacks and that the vitals are not accurate of my normal self. I can't ever seem to relax while there so how do I know if something is really ever wrong. My anxiety and panic could be masking real problems I have. Like most others here I have heart health anxiety. I sometimes think I have an enlarged heart or something along those lines. My pulse beats strong most all day and I can feel it all over my body and see it in my stomach. I wish it wasn't so pronounced all the time and I could only feel it by actually taking my pulse. It is nerve racking to constantly be aware of it. I think if that wasn't an issue most of my anxiety wouldn't exist. I'm jittery and constantly biting my mouth or fidgeting around. When relaxed which is very seldom, my pulse is around 68 and my BP is about 128/76. So I know it can be normal but I feel stressed so much during the day that I wonder how much damage I'm doing to my heart and veins. EKGs have shown no issues and my doctors are never concerned. Always tell me to get my anxiety under control which is my main goal. I take Altace 20mg daily for BP which I feel
I prolly wouldn't need if I wasn't anxious. Anyways I'm dreaded Thursday morning already and it's all for nothing. Just wish I could make myself believe it.

02-18-2013, 10:27 PM
Sounds like u might need some beta-blockers. Im on propanolol and paxil and i have been diagnosed with hypertension and gad. The blockers calm my heart down but if i forget one i get dizzy because my everything races back up like you describe.