View Full Version : anxiety is ruining my fucking life
02-18-2013, 07:28 PM
I am so tired of my anxiety making me QUESTION EVERYTHING. I do not know what else to do. I do NOT want to take medicine. I do not want to be put on drugs. Its just not me. I dont suffer from panic attacks anymore like I use to so I HAVE improved since the last couple of months but improvement has STALLED. I still HAVE THESE ANNOYING INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS that scare the shit out of me and that try to convince me that im crazy or that something is wrong with me. i KNOW there is nothing wrong with me but these thoughts always try to tell me otherwise. I always have a pretty disturbing mental thought that one day ill go crazy or hurt myself or someone who i love. AND NO, I DO NOT WANT TO HURT ANYONE. I LOVE MYSELF AND I LOVE PEOPLE. My life is not perfect but I am ok with that! for anyone who has controlled their anxiety, please offer me some tips. I have tried letting the thoughts come in and its just not working. They still bother me. And now, they really just make me angry and piss me off and put me in a real shitty mood and its starting to effect me socially. Please offer some tips or advice but anyone who has been cured or is in the process.
02-18-2013, 07:46 PM
Well I'm by no means cured but I have the same thoughts. I have had them since September and they have gotten easier to deal with. Things I do to help myself are talk ( I talk a lot about my creepy thoughts to my husband, it works as an outlet I guess). I also just remind myself over and over that its just anxiety, just ocd. I think it takes time for the thoughts to run their corse. You will be ok. I don't take meds either. I do have klonopins for as needed situations but that's all. I still have bad days where I fear my thoughts and what I could do but those days are not everyday now.
02-18-2013, 07:51 PM
Check out the book called "The Mood Cure" By Julia Ross. Read the reviews on Amazon. It has helped me tremendously as well as others I know who were pretty bad off.
02-18-2013, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! so you think its most likely running its course mellymel? It does get better? I sure hope so! Thanks nfl234 im going to check the book out!
02-18-2013, 10:28 PM
does anyone sometimes feel like they get a random thought that they wont make it to tomorrow? its a scary thought =[ Is that anxiety related?
02-18-2013, 10:52 PM
I get those dreadful fears when in the black pit of anxiety that this is all there is; going to be f'up forever. It passes and I can breath again
02-19-2013, 05:06 AM
Read about anxiety, understand it. Accept it is key. if you continue to think you have some undiagnosed disease or disorder fear and worry will continue to fuel the anxiety. Let symptoms come and go, stop trying to fight anxiety or find an overnight cure. Allow your body to repiar itself by letting symptoms and pains come and go. Rationalize situations. Don't respond with emotional responses. It takes time and practice. but soon the removal of fear and worry becomes easier and rationalizrng symptoms and situations becomes easier.
In the mean time look at diet, ensure it's wholefoods and not processed junk. Get out more. Don't practice safety behaviour as many anxious people do. You're safe anywhere, going out, socializing etc will not put you in dnager and pracitcing safety behaviour isn't actually going to hinder the healing process instead of help it. Try exercising, it helps release execess adrenaline built up from the fight or flight response going haywire that most anxious people get.
Acceptance is the first step and also the hardest, but you can overcome anxiety, jsut give your body the time it needs and deserves to recover from months or years of constant worry, fear and panic. It takes it'stoll but it will repair itself and you will get back to your old self.
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