View Full Version : Quiting smoking when you suffer from panic and anxiety

06-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Anyone quit smoking with anxiety, getting ready to quit but I panic! I want more control of my life, you all know, but this is holding me back! I was curious if it's best to use aids like gum or what not if you have anxiety? Thx :D

Hey Guys
06-19-2007, 04:15 PM
I quit smoking pot because of anxiety. It's not the same as quitting smoking cigarettes, but I'll tell you about it anyways. I was smoking pot morning, noon and night for 2 years straight when out of the blue I started getting weird anxiety attacks. I decided to cut back on the smoking...I got irritable and continued to have anxiety. When I went to go smoke at night, I wasn't irritable, but the anxiety increased drastically. One night, I smoked way too much and had a panic attack. After that...no more weed. I can honestly say I experienced "marijuana withdrawal" after that. It peaked at about 2 weeks (extreme anxiety, thinking I was going crazy, lightheadedness, depersonalization, etc) but these feelings slowly fade. I'm at 3 months now...and while I feel much better (less anxiety/other symptoms), I still feel spaced out every once in awhile. While I'm still not 100%, I see my improvement is gradual and feel that I could get to 100% in the near future.

Bottom Line: Smoking isn't gonna help your anxiety. Nicotine is a stimulant and can make you more jittery and nervous. While it's hard to quit, you'll definitely thank yourself in the long run. Good luck!

06-19-2007, 09:37 PM
Thanks, I know I can do it, just nervous.lol (When am I not!) Wish me luck!