View Full Version : Symptoms that are worrying me out of my mind!

Brooke Crane
02-18-2013, 03:09 PM
Hi guys and girls!

I have been browsing through this forum and am so relieved to have found somewhere like this,where i can chat and make friends with like-minded people. It's great to see people are on here helping others.
My names Brooke, and I am 23. I have been suffering with anxiety since around the age of 14. I am constantly frightened there is something wrong with me, like a deadly illness or something.

I just wanted to introduce myself, and ask if anyone has experienced or know if tingly, shooting pains, deep achy pains in the arms and legs, and sometimes a cold like sensation in my legs and arms is normal for someone with anxiety? Also, like a throbbing pain in my neck?! I am worried at the moment that it's something wrong with my brain, and nervous system like MS. :(

anyway, thank you for reading this and am very grateful for any replies!

02-18-2013, 11:27 PM
Get pains like that all the time. And so do people that dont suffer anxiety and panic. The diffrence is we tend to look into every little thing and over analyze the shit out of it, people without anxiety dont really even think twice about these pains. It sucks. But yes i know exzactly what you are talking about and i struggle everyday

02-19-2013, 12:45 AM

I've had anxiety for just over two years and the worse symptom I've had is what you describe, it's this nervy, tingly, jittery feeling in my legs and arms. It's much worse when my anxiety is high.

I notice that when I wake up in the morning after a good sleep, it isn't there, it only comes after I've been awake for about 15 minutes and start thinking of the things that cause my anxiety. This makes me think that it is all anxiety related and not related to any physical problem.

So when you wake up tomorrow, have a quick check to see if you have the feeling or if it comes on after you have been awake and thinking for a while.

Take care.

Brooke Crane
02-19-2013, 03:55 AM
Thank you both for replying. It has eased my mind so much!

Teddy1212, you're right. I didn't feel these pains and aches when I first woke up this morning, so it must be related to my anxious thoughts!

Take care x

02-19-2013, 04:49 AM
Read the anxiety symptoms list. Anxiety can cause almost any symptom. However worry fuels the anxiety which leads to symptoms which leads to more worry which leads to mroe symptoms.

Understand the anxiety, remove the fear and worry and above all accept it is anxiety.

Let the symptoms come and go, don't try and "fight" it or convince yourself you'll find an overnight cure. Removing the worry and fear from when symptoms or pains come is key.

Your body is screaming out for rest. Give it what it needs, it's simply saying it's stressed out from worry and panic and needs rest. The last thing it wants you to do is to worry and panic everytime a pain comes along.

If you broke your leg you wouldnt google symptoms, spend time on forums, chat rooms, visiting countless doctors for tests to find an instant cure. You'd ACCEPT it was a broken leg and get on day today regardless of symptoms. This is the same for anxiety. Admittedly it's tougher when you have anxiety because it warps your way of thinking. you become hyper-sensitive and your fight or flight response goes absolutely nuts.

however try your hardest not to allow emotion to cloud your judgement when a symptom or pain comes. It takes a lot of pracitce, but after a while you accept it and you rationalize a pain.

Focus on deep breathing, remind yourself you're NOT in danger you ARE OK and that nothing will hurt you here. The pains will come and go for many months after reaching acceptance, however in time your body will repair and you'll be back to your old self.


02-22-2013, 02:34 AM
Wow raggamuffin, your post is so helpful. It is so true but I guess takes practice. I am going to try this though. It helps so much knowing there are others around with the same fears and worries, although I also wonder how many of us read these posts and start worrying about the same thing!

02-22-2013, 04:26 AM
Welcome Brooke hope you get some great advice and support!! If you ever need to talk pm me ok. Take care. Beverley :)