View Full Version : Anxious Anxious Anxious!

02-18-2013, 10:24 AM
Last night, I went out to eat, and a weird feeling came over me. I couldn't eat..every bite I took I chewed slowly.. like I was in tune with the texture of the food...and couldn't really swallow it. I had the overwhleming feeling of everything closing in on me, it felt really loud.. and things almost seemed like they weren't real..
No matter how hard I tried to snap out of this, it wasn’t giving in. My bf kept asking if I was ok, and all I could say is I’m fine.

I'm thinking it was an anxiety attack.. or panic attack.. but it just came out of nowhere. Needless to say we got a box and just took our food home.

It was the strangest feeling and I hate that it ruined my night.. =[

I haven’t noticed that I “freak out” a lot more lately. Over silly things. Like I always think that I’ve having a heart attack.. when really I have indigestion pretty bad causing my throat and chest to hurt sometimes.
Anytime, I get a random ache or soreness I think it’s something a lot more serious than it probably is..
This is taking over my life!

02-18-2013, 12:47 PM
I Feel the same hereee!!! :/