View Full Version : Skin cancer

02-18-2013, 08:54 AM
Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I've been on. I've been doing very well with my anxiety. I've been seeing a therapist 2x a month, and it's helped a lot.

Right now I'm so fearful that I have skin cancer. 3 days ago, I noticed a new spot on my temple. Next to one that has been there for a long time. It's a scarring like spot. And it's growing. Even these last 3 days. I have an appt tomorrow to see the dr to have it checked.

I guess im not so fearful that it can't be removed, but more fearful that it will be a lifelong battle with new ones forming, or old ones returning. Or that the ones i have are embedded deep and have spread. That scares me.

I had to take a Xanax last night to calm me down. It's been a long time since I've had to do that.

This kind of anxiety prevents me from living in the present moment. I hate it. I cry, fear the worst...I feel like I live minute by minute. My days seem endless. The what ifs really get to me.

If anyone can offer encouragement, or support I thank you. I hate feeling this way, especially when I've been doing so well.


02-18-2013, 09:43 AM
Is it bigger than a pencil eraser? Do the edges look uneven? Try not to worry too much....I had a few that popped up some years ago, and totally stressed myself out for nothing. Turned out that they were regular moles. The good thing is, if it does happen to be cancerous, you've most likely caught it early, they will just remove it and that will be the end of it.
Try not to stress yourself too much.

02-18-2013, 10:25 AM
That's the thing thought with us anxiety sufferers we always and I mean ALWAYS fear the worst even if it could just be something stupid causing problems physically I'm still coming to turns with iBS and anxiety hand in hand together as there symtoms mimic so many other diseases

02-18-2013, 01:02 PM
Wow, I just went through the same thing and I freaked out over nothing! One of my sunspots elevated and turned different colors. Went to the dermatologist and they ended up cutting it out and sent it for a biopsy. It didn't hurt at all when the removed it and it took a long 5 days to get the results. It was Benin. :)

02-18-2013, 02:12 PM
I commend you because you are actively facing your fear. Your experience tells you that to quell this anxiety you need the help of a medical doctor and not google. You are doing the right thing and you will be fine.

02-18-2013, 09:56 PM
I had a spider bite the other day or so I thought. I was freaking out thinking it was a brown recluse and I would get a staph infection or some kind if flesh eating bacteria. Turns out it was just some pimple on my forearm. What kind of crazy shit is that? I had a full blown panic attack over a damn pimple thinking the worst. It's so insanely crazy now that I think about it.

02-19-2013, 09:19 PM
Jamus, Ive done the same thing. We have to stop exaggerating the implications of symptoms, spots, problems, and fear.
